I don't think I have ever seen so many busts in one day! They were actually pretty amazing buildings, most of them. The Manor House was incredible! The Dobermans were a concern. Little old ladies don't do that. Some old man with no sense of humor might.
What's up with Wales and using sealers to keep you bad boys out? Those were some of the best places, all intact, and looks like the insides would be pretty decent. I guess sealing them up saves the clean-up later from the adolescents, little hooligans. There is a difference between destroying property and exploring and photographing them.
I saw an abandoned building last week and they had a sign at the end of the drive saying buildings are abandoned for a reason and should not be treated like playgrounds I have seen that written somewhere online, the little plagiarizers.
I am so sorry about the barbed wire boo-boo. Always the risk. You guys should wear athletic supporters. :) Protect thyself and the family jewels. @bingbabe would appreciate it, I am sure.
Those purple weeds are called butterfly bush or I think the UK calls them summer lilacs. The garden club would be horrified that you called them weeds. LOL Anyway, it is always fun to tag along!