What is street photography - is a picture taken in a public place. That is, it is not an urban landscape or a natural landscape, but it can overlap with reportage and documentary photography.
If we talk about public places, then the presence of people is implied, but it is not specified that they must be there.
A public place is a courtyard, a park, a beach, a shopping center, just streets.
And not always in such places there are people.
It turns out that street photography can be without people.
But then such a photo should differ in structure from the urban landscape!
This means that the principles of building a frame and techniques remain the same as in the street.
I still don’t understand those people who stop at one direction in music and stay there almost for the rest of their lives.
In youth, there is always a search, then a person finds something for himself and that's it, stop there.
It seems to me that in creativity, in music, there must be a constant search and movement.
I sometimes listen to old music, but every day I'm constantly looking for something new.
In photography, for me, this process is not so fast, but there is still movement and change.
There should always be a comparison or juxtaposition with past preferences.
This is the only way to understand whether you have grown or not.
I began to actively save the pictures of other photographers that I liked again. I can't show them because I would violate copyright.
Thanks to saves, in a year or two or three, I will be able to understand how much I have moved forward.
From time to time you have to destroy something in your life voluntarily. Not in a bad way...that's just what I call change.
To destroy means to change the familiar world around you.
Throw out the old carpet, tidy up the balcony, sell something, buy something new, change the daily routine, rearrange at work/at home.
You will not move voluntarily - the universe will force...but through pain.
Something will break, so you have to buy a new one. Something will happen that you will have to make a rearrangement in the house or at work. Something will happen and then you will have to change the mode of the day.
And all because you do not move voluntarily.
You can start by taking a different route to work.
Son unas magnificas fotografiás en una hermosa ciudad segun veo. Por cierto cual es la ciudad y el país amigo, Saludos.