Bryn Alyn. three floors of treasure and stuff that gladdens the heart.

in Urban Exploration8 months ago

A cold late winter day, and you turn up and find this beauty, in the Welsh Hills in Denbighshire. It is a well publicised house in the Urbex community, given the stupid name of Jumanji House, how fucking stupid. Apparently it is so called as it looks like a similar house out of a movie by the name of Jumanji

Don't know , can't comment, never seen the film.

This is Bryn Alyn, in all its abandoned glory.


A stealthy wander around the outside looking for a way in; although it stands in a large plot of, to be honest, well maintained land, care was needed as to the right were the backs of several bungalows on a neighbouring street and to the right another grand house.


It is always the case is it not? That when one is looking for something it is always the last place you look! easing aside one of the large chipboard barriers just enough to squeeze through, pulling it back tight to keep any nosey visitors at bay ( all the tricks of the trade!).

C'mon let's mooch
Let's mooch in monochrome for a change


This is one fine time capsule, three floors stuffed with treasure, no remarkable history not a lot I can find about why it is left in this state. Though as I say the grounds are well maintained, someone must care? surely? I guess from looking around this was the home of Christine and Dick, are they dead now?


Some general ground floor room views, old fashioned springs to mind, there was no sweet scent of decay that one usually gets in these old houses.


No flat screen TV for Chris and her Dick, no sky either. 4 channels that's your lot. Mind you if you do subscribe to sky they promise you over 300 channels to choose from (at an exorbitant price), most of which are only broadcasting shite anyways.





I prefer it naked anyways, oh and my salad without dressing too if you are enquiring.


A good old fashioned fax phone


Home brewing, home wine making, a big fad in the 70's and 80's I tried it, bought all the gear, jesus where did I do wrong? certainly beats taking laxatives.

The wine I ended up using as a weed killer, and the "beer" for stripping some varnish off an old door.



Seems like booze was a big part of their lives, but not sure I would advertise the fact by using empty bottles as ornaments


Hardly a cosy nook when the windows aren't double glazed



I have read a newspaper report online of this place, submitted by one of the creatures that sells out to the press for 15 minutes of fame in their sad lonely lives ( thank fuck they are not found here on the hive, it would make this place a poor place to be. Individuals like this are lower than a snakes belly).

The fool goes on about feeling eerie, hearing noises and footsteps ghostly happenings.

Fuck off.



I would not like to think what is climbing out of that bog



Just a little bit of red


Vintage paraffin heater, I remember we had one of these in the 60's in the family home, before central heating arrived, fill the bottom tank with highly flammable paraffin, let the wick soak it up and strike a match, it gave off heat and a lovely aroma of burning fuel. one of these is up for sale on a well known auction site (along with 1,000's of fake items of all sorts) for over £100.


That's a nice little bondage bed






I guess when the hired help are not around and you can't be arsed walking down three flights of stairs to make a morning brew this would come in handy, if you have never had one you ain't missing out, you don't need an alarm the rattling and hissing is enough to wake the dead.


It's a long way down there is more to come from this place stay tuned!

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Thanks for visiting my page, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. this is Stephen aka, @grindle, happily retired, travelling the world snapping away. My weapon of choice is currently a Nikon Z6(2). Unless stated all images are shot by me, all text is mine based on various info sources. NOT AI generated. If you like my blog, it would be very much appreciated if you upvote and follow me. Also, please feel free to drop a comment.



Fabulous, though I will probably never get there (I can get the pin anytime).

you need to leave the big cities behind and go rural!

Great views.

Wonderful pictures.

Nice explore, grand wooden chairs those were actually comfortable kitchen chairs, banister carved in wood another great detail not to miss.

Nice homestead it would have been when in it's prime!

@tipu curate

yup, more unanswered questions!

Sometimes wonder what pleasure hooligans derive out of destroying?

yes, I know, jealousy or just downright stupidity

More of the stupid no brainers.... untitled.gif

LOL spot on

I wonder what happened to this place? The owners died? Or the owner can't pay the taxes anymore so they were evicted? Looks like it's never been touched for years.
Sad to see that it looks like some kids or you know those people who loves to make messes, they turned the place like garbage.
Those plight of stairs just gives me the creeps! Haha.
You are truly very adventurous and brave @grindle. We're you alone when you did this investigating?
Seeing the outside gives me the chills.☺️😆
Thank you for sharing your somewhat Hardy Boys adventure with us.
I often see abandoned houses, mansions in you tube usually in Europe. I just can't understand why someone have to leave everything behind. It's like they did not take anything, just leave all their earthly possessions and don't look behind.
If these houses were here in my country, oh my! The following day these houses will be empty like spot clean!! Not a single bottle left behind......Hahaha.

cheers @aideleijoie thanks for dropping in and your inquisitive nature! We shall find out more over the next two weekends. as there is more to come.

I don't think its taxes as it seems they were wealthy, and I established that the male of the family was born in 1940 and still has a registered business! Yes even the wardrobes and draws had many items of clothing left.

Yes it happens kids visit these places and instead of just photographing and respecting the place, cause damage and steal items. Which is not very good at all.

Wow! Really that's interesting to know that the owner is still alive. Probably so busy with business and living far or maybe don't have kids to help them. Well, I guess that's what wealthy people do. They have lots of properties.
It's just sad though that this beautiful home is now abandoned.
A lot of people don't have their own homes and this one is not taken care of, left behind and forgotten.
So much history and life this house has. Just sad.

yes indeed, what bugs me , is who is keeping the garden lawns tidy!!

given the stupid name of Jumanji House, how fucking stupid. Apparently it is so called as it looks like a similar house out of a movie by the name of Jumanji

Hehehehe Jumanji isn’t that bad plus the movie is cool too😃

cheers @ibbtammy thanks for dropping in, I may just pop into kickass torrents and download now just to clear my curiosity!

I love the carved balusters, pressed glass "Happy" snifters, and of course the Rubik's Cube! The whole place is very 70s, from the television to the slot-car track still in its packaging.

Dunno about your side of the Atlantic, but over here it's pretty rare to stumble upon a place that still has that many intact bits and bobs from when it was still inhabited. I only ever found one such "frozen in time" place on my own, but it was such a wonderful surprise. Looking around really took me back to my childhood to see the styles of packaging and other items that had changed so much since I was a kid.

Can't wait to see what the rest of the place holds!


cheers @willendorfia , thanks for dropping in, the next two Saturdays will see the series finished. Over here time capsules are abundant, especially in remote areas in the woods and the hills. Some good like this one, some not so good, but plenty of history and artefacts to gaze at

To be honest though one has to spend hours looking at maps, reading obituaries, and having a lot of "comrades" like @slobberchops to exchange info. with


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😥 I don't go in there. That house is very suspicious. And those bottles, whatever they contain, is it wine? Well, they say the older the better... so... didn't you get a little taste?

I have no idea what Jumanji house it is but it does look like a scene from The Walking Dead.

LOL, the walking dead, love that , I live to tell then tale, I had Lucille to keep me company

Negan's weapon (that bad guy). Hahaha... I prefer Michonne's katana.

Yeah she was cool, I really should go for Rick as we share the same surname LOl, I really hated Negan when he first appeared , but as the series petered out he became the hero, and I love the Widow too oh and Carole LOL