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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Nag's Head

in Urban Exploration5 years ago

Urban exploration looks fascinating, and so many great photo opportunities! How do you find these places? Do you just stumble across them or is there some sort of information hub with a list of abandoned buildings?

Had to laugh at the random porn discovery. The Enid Blyton book brings back fond memories though, I had a massive collection of those as a kid.


so many great photo opportunities!

One of the reasons I do it, I look for the good shots and occasionally get one!

there some sort of information hub with a list of abandoned buildings?

No, it's quite a secretive hobby with people reluctant to give away locations, due to the amount of wankers who like to burn places, spray them or vandalize them. It still happens frequently and is a great source of annoyance to the likes of me who go for the adventure and photography.

I had a massive collection of those as a kid.

Me too, all the Secret Seven and Famous Five and all the others bits and bobs she wrote.

Have a read of this.. will give you some ideas about how to find places.

No, it's quite a secretive hobby with people reluctant to give away locations, due to the amount of wankers who like to burn places, spray them or vandalize them.

Ah of course, I didn't think about that.

Just read your linked post, thanks. Definitely something to think about. I'm trying to get a bit fitter as I'm really horribly out of shape and overweight, maybe something like this will help. That or it'll finish me off, but at least I'd have fun on the way, lol. It's more motivating than a boring walk anyway!

It helps to be fit and skinny, though I am neither. There is some climbing involved if you are determined to get into places.

Last Sunday I was flat on my belly scrambling under a gate, delicately trying to maneuver in an old mansion with little floor left (a ten-foot drop awaited me if I slipped), and climbing through a stairwell as someone had barred the door leaving me little options.

Other places, you can walk right in unhindered. These are the ones you might want to look for initially.