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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Bungalow

What a beautiful garden and the hydrangeas are beautiful, I am surprised how nature is so wise keeping everything so green and careful.

When I saw "The Bungalow" in the cover image, I thought of the Bahamas. They must have had a very happy life the family that lived in that place, listening to good Beatles music, the cups to drink tea, chocolate, and coffee are beautiful they seem hand painted...they have the external garden embodied inside the house... How beautiful 🌺. Thank you, @slobberchops


and the hydrangeas are beautiful

They are looking good, one right next to the window. Were were more interested at what was inside!

Without a doubt, inside it must be a chest of great treasures that tell stories of those who lived, at least one electrician lived at that time because of the analog voltmeter that is still in its case