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RE: Blessed Wood, Denbighshire

in Urban Exploration11 months ago

Parents or Grandparents saved like mad to obtain a sturdy fridge, move from icebox to proper refrigerator was at great expense, but the damned things lasted for thirty plus years, never said die!

Interesting printed pieces and photography found, looks and feels like after the war years, some photos of earlier generation to remember them. 'Newer' black and white always formally taken by photographer.

Nice urban explore here....

@tipu curate


cheers @joanstewart , yes built to last not like today's items with "built in redundancy", glad you enjoyed my little mooch

Little walks down memory lane, my Gran had one of the old ice block freezers, vaguely remember a cart came past once a week selling/delivering ice to homes.

Isn't it strange the random memories that we store

Crammed, jam packed it's digging through them....

yup thats the pain and the beauty I guess

Kinda like a maze....