Mehn, this is a lot of work you put out here, I admire your work.
It is a shame that sometimes and more often in some places we humans don't see ourselves equals. I don't know how we are going make everyone realize we should not fighting each other but supporting and appreciating each other, and I think like you said the light
It is key for us all to shine wherever we find ourselves and in so doing we we dispel the darkness around us. And for your unexpected love story I am so happy for you, and I pray it flourishes. I believe this could be a light shining and shines bright.
Hey brother! Thank you so much! Your words already shine & wishes give me so much support & motivation! I appreciate the time you take to look & read my blog cause it is not short but I definitely wrote something! 😁 Your comment really proves that you've stay till the end with the text & thanks for noticing that I really did a lot of work on this post. Come again sometimes, please. All te best!
I will come again. It was an interesting read for me and I enjoyed it. I like the way you tell your experience, it feels real and close.
Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful week.
Thanks! This makes me very happy - that my words touch someone.
I took a look on your profile. You are new here?
You are welcome, brother. Yes, I am new here. I am still trying to find my ground here, to grow and explore what this community has, and possibly offer what I can.
I am glad to make an acquaintance with you.
So, welcome Hivean! I'll check your posts & try to support you anyhow... Good luck!