I actually used to be in the Cubs, for the most part I hated it, it was before I'd learned to say 'no' - I was 'seconder' and was due to become 'sixer' as the then current one was leaving - I finally plucked up the courage to tell my parents I wanted out, I've never liked responsibility.
On the upsides I have some VERY FOND memories of the very occasional Thursday night when we couldn't make it - I remember because The Adventure Game was on BBC2 and I always used to miss the end of it if Cubs was on, but on those Cub-free nights I got to see the 'evaporation game' finale, and more of that strange talking plant thing.
Funny how your post brings it all back!
I haven't got a dickies about any of this. I remember seeing badges for this and that, such as lighting a fire without matches.., they looked impressive awards. Then when I got there it was British Bulldogs every evening.
Cubs were organised into groups of 6 - competitions between them, leather woggles, remember those?