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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Not-So Paranormal House

Always enjoy your walk throughs. If my husband was in Hive he would love them. Although a physicist, he loves stories of the paranormal too and his favourite time of month is when the Fortean Times makes it's way to our mailbox here in Australia.

I'm not sure if I have asked you before but do you YouTube these forays?

We were watching one the other day exploring one of those ex industry towns - can't recall which one, over Sheffield way I think, if not Sheffield. The terrace houses were a mess. People would buy em super cheap, like for 30k, and flip em. Thing is if they didn't have a tenant super sharpish they'd just be ransacked immediately for the copper etc. They interviewed an old guy who had lived there since it's hey day and missed the life that used to thrum there. He was the only person living in an entire street.

That's totally insane when you watch other things on YouTube like how bad homelessness is getting in Brighton..


I'm not sure if I have asked you before but do you YouTube these forays?

I do occasionally, only to get figure out where the places are. They give them away quite often, like doing an intro in the street with a street sign behind them.

We were watching one the other day exploring one of those ex industry towns - can't recall which one, over Sheffield way I think, if not Sheffield.

Sheffield is a place we have done several times. There's some coming up soon, including a Sex Dungeon which was interesting 😄