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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: St Joseph’s Orphanage

Gosh, it's really so stunning on the outside and some of the features like the trusses and chapel are lovely. It boggles me how buildings like this fall into such disrepair. The interior is proper minging though, no wonder it's being demo'd. Great explore, always enjoy your posts


proper minging

That's an old term or at least here it is! Have you got some Brit blood?

The one was huge and daunting. I was fully expecting to fail and then was inside. We must have been in there a good hour, that's a long time for us. It's generally 15 mins at the longest!

Stunning architecture, I loved the old gothic look about it. Very Dickensian.

Haha I was using it kinda ironically. I used to live in the UK for six years, some of which was on a travellers site or two as well, so at the time 'minging' and 'right minger' was definitely a thing :P My hubs is English and I do have Brit blood in my but doubt my Yorkshire grandparents would have said it ahah!

Yes, Dickens came to mind due to the orphan aspect of it! It must be quite the thrill to duck into these places, and feel like you've stepped into an alternate time zone. Do you find a little sadness in there too?

I used to live in the UK for six years, some of which was on a travellers site or two as well, so at the time 'minging' and 'right minger' was definitely a thing

I thought I detected something. I rarely hear the phrase in todays world.

It was also in Somerset/Bristol which can have it's own idiosyncratic phrases and lingo as you know. Definitely not something you'd hear everyday on Hive. Maybe I'm the first to say it on this Blockchain? 😂🤪