A new quarter is being built at the end of our street. I love coming here, looking at these contrasts. And also because two years will pass and there will be no trace of the old time here.
In the meantime, I'm studying this neighborhood: the windows of high-rise buildings look at the roofs of houses of the 19th century. Sometimes I feel like they just forgot about them.
These windows are always shuttered. I have never seen them open. As if the house had fallen asleep forever. But there is such an idea that the soul looks at the white light through the windows. Maybe every house once had a soul?
Of course she was. Once people came here, the front doors opened in front of them and the words "Welcome to us!"
A house is alive as long as it has owners. I have noticed many times - if people leave the house, the windows immediately dim and the house looks abandoned.
But I have a special place at the end of the street.
I love looking at this cityscape. Do you know what I think about this place?
It's like a crossroads of time here. Right in front of us is the 19th century. On the right is a house from the 20th century, and on the left is a new high-rise building of the 21st century.
It is immediately obvious which of them is the main one. After all, he presses so hard with his authority and confident look.
And it is very clear whose turn it is now to leave this intersection.
Sometimes my friends ask me "Why do you go to such places, is it interesting there?"
Of course, I answer, because our future grows out of the past.
Location: South Ural
У каждого дома есть душа. Даже когда там никто не живёт. Просто душа ждёт)
Мне по другому видится. Там всегда как симбиоз общего организма и если часть его исчезает, вскоре затухает и всё остальное. Как угли костра.
Ну...может и так. С другой стороны что-то в доме теплится, может надежда)
Какой контраст. Мне очень нравится черно белая обработка, такой настрой сразу!
Жалко, но скорей всего снесут домишко.
Чёрно-белое изображение лишено эмоций, но появляется другое-поразмышлять над увиденным, более лаконично всё и графично. Спасибо!