Tales of the Urban Explorer: Brindley's Lock

in Urban Exploration2 years ago (edited)

I am not a fan of exploring schools; they are far too big and favour those annoying silent alarm systems especially ones that have not been closed for long. My positivity was hardly glowing while peering through a very sturdy fence at a temporary cabin.

We’re not getting in there…, see that security hut.., there’s a big burly cunt inside who favours his right hand for extra-curricular activities and who doesn’t take prisoners


It was a regular portacabin, a standard issue for no-lifer security guards who spend most of their lives glued to their phones browsing pornhub and drinking endless cups of tea, once their booze stash had been exhausted.

Their only distraction is generally to turf off the likes of us ‘trouble-makers’ who visit intent on vandalising the property they are supposed to be guarding.

Maybe if we crept around that side-fencing…, oh……


On glancing around for potential Karen's, I noticed just another 150 yards up the road, what looked to be a pub full of boards. Talk about being easily distracted or simply grabbing hold of what’s easiest in range.

We left the guard to his thrice daily masturbation and walked up to what looked like a very new pub, one that was now nameless. It was worth a look over if we could get around the back.

What we saw can't have been closed down for long, it was in too good a condition and that generally means we're not going to get in there.

Pushing through some bushes, we were all astonished to see the back door was open, but did that mean the owner was inside? That would be bad.., I mean VERY BAD!

We issued the silent ‘Sshhhhh’ hand signals and crept inside listening for any signs of noise. One clink of a glass, shuffle of shoes, and we would be gone and back to that goddam crappy school.

Nothing, not a sound could be heard….

That could mean there are a couple of tramps in there enjoying the post effects of endorphins lying on the floor naked, or worse... some blokes who'd just finished a bumming session in the same fold as what @grindle witnessed lately.

These risks are what we explorers have to tolerate when walking into something that is defiantly not on the UX radar.


None of these were true and we found ourselves in a lovely ex-pub, now very empty and smelling strongly of detergent.

'Why has this closed down'… I was thinking. Was it the shit food, or the usual reason that nobody visits pubs anymore? It was next to a modern housing estate and should have been able to gain some custom surely.


Only the finest leather with a few stains present, probably not human secretions.


Did it close due to a giant rat incursion? It was a possible reason and maybe the rats had declared victory; if so, we could not hear any repetitive scurrying.


The notice was only on the Ladies' toilet door, was this a targeted warning?


The finest Carling beer glasses, the beer however is far from fine in my opinion.


Compared to the plethora of derps we had encountered within the Stoke-On-Trent region this was at the opposite end of the spectrum. That is apart from the kitchen where some kind of spillage had occurred.


If you need to leave messages for ‘Rob’ then you can always write them on the door. ‘Fanks’.., tells me a lot.


We left the kitchen intent on exploring the upstairs areas, what a lovely place this was, or could have been.


No old washing up left behind and I would wager that cooker might still work. I need to start checking things such as this.


This is where I picked up on the name. ‘Brindley's Lock'; a kind of posh name for a pub in a respectable-looking area.


Old menus often give me an idea of when a place closes down. Sirloin Steak and Chips for £12.95. It can still be found for those prices but generally at cheap franchise chains and where the meat is made up of pure rubber. 'Brindley's Lock’ looked a little above that cut.


The walls and corridors could do with a wash, but all in all, this was in excellent condition.



Does the broken lock mean there's a safe loaded with cash inside? Whoever broke in (will come to that soon) obviously thought so. We found no bundles of used banknotes; the would-be thieves had already left with those... damn.


This apparently was the original access point, no doubt aided by a large brick beforehand. Had the thieves' vacated by the door and left it open?



Apart from the lack of people, ‘Brindley's Lock’ looked ready to open again with a full complement of beer glasses at the ready.



I would also wager the pill and stimulant machines were still full of goods. I wasn’t carrying 3 x £1 coins so couldn’t check and breaking open things is not what we do.


Tempting as it was, we all resisted pouring ourselves a delicious derelict cocktail. If there could be anywhere that one might not be hospitalised for doing so, it would be a ‘Brindley's Lock’.


We left tutting at the open door and tried our best to close it. The window we could hardly do anything about.


FOOTNOTE: After a little investigation, we found the pub had been closed for just 3 months when we visited. It was once very popular and COVID had a hand which resulted in its closure.

During the later months of 2022, ‘Brindley's Lock' hit the TourBus and could well be a derelict wreck by now. Hopefully, it's been sealed and is now off-limits.


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C'mon, I mean what the bloody fuck! you cannot call yourself a true explorer until yopu come across a group of blokes engaged in a cluster fuck.

I always get worried about a menu when it says, as in this case "homemade MEAT lasagne", unidentifiable chunks of missing cat maybe.

you cannot call yourself a true explorer until yopu come across a group of blokes engaged in a cluster fuck.

Well over 350 now, and nothing that shocking.., just some bloke having a shit.

thats different!

In such splendid condition!

I just remember to write all my notes to Rob on a door 🤣🤣

I just remember to write all my notes to Rob on a door 🤣🤣

Aye, preferably in permanent ink 😀

Doors are the new paper 🤣

Have you got the old Pontefract General Infirmary on your itinerary or has anyone been able to get in? The 13th Century Hermitage is under part of the building and is G1 listed so it's not getting pulled down anytime soon!

Wow that looks great, but is it still there? We were due to do Doncaster and Rotherham.., such are the distances we need to travel now.

Definitely still there mate.


All the buildings behind have now gone but the main original entrance and buildings you see in the picture are definitely still there. It's on the busy main road at the front but to the rear backs onto the park. I honestly think it would be a big ask to actually get in but if you could, you'd become a legend in the urbex community! Come over on the M62 and try it first, only 14 miles then downnthe A1 to Donny.

Will add it to the agenda, ta!

You managed to get in before some idiots trashed it. I guess that means less crap to walk through. These are tough times for pubs. We have a lot less around here compared with when we moved in, but that was over 25 years ago.

@anidiotexplores just informed me that 'Brindley's Lock' has since been demolished. Very wasteful I say.., it was only built in the 1990's.

You managed to get in before some idiots trashed it.

I think we were the first, one of those walk-by's.

Jesus you could nearly open that bar with a bit of spit and polish. First thing sprang to mind was a great session in the middle of a pandemic. If that message to rob is on the door of the jacks then that's even more hilarious.

As always thanks for another fascinating voyage into the urban jungle. How refreshing to find a building in such good condition, I do hope it has been sealed to prevent mindless vandals from wrecking the place. I'm not surprised you passed on the school. My partner is a recently retired teacher and he has commented on many occasions how most schools now have been turned into 'prisons' with fencing everywhere and electronic systems for letting kids into the schools themselves.

I don't like doing schools, there always seems to be security and I would rather avoid them if possible. The size is also daunting.., and many rooms are very samey.

Happy to see a building that doesn't look as scary as some I've seen before in your previous posts. But no doubt each abandoned place has its own risks and I feel like saying this again - thank you for sharing this kind of places with us, as not many would be that brave to walk in. Or at least I would not.

Nice neat looking pub, pity it is closed due to circumstances our political leaders put us through with stooopidity..... fanks!


Wow, the condition of this one was astounding! Looks ready to open up with a minimum bit of work. That's seriously impressive.

I was shocked to discover it's already been demolished. What a waste.

Always interesting to follow you through these abandoned buildings. Thanks for sharing.

I was supposed to say that the place is still a bit intact and not that ruined. Then at the end of your article is about the three months since it was closed. That answers!


Yes, we visited August 2022, almost a year later I write this up! I know there's been YouTuber's in there since, and god knows who else.., it could be a mess by now.

Wow - thats in pretty could nick compared to the majority of bombsites you find ! I hope the tourbus didnt get it - as said, it will be a half burnt wreck by now.

as said, it will be a half burnt wreck by now.

It's gone, already demolished. Now I feel better about giving away the location so easily.

wow - thats nuts !

As far as I have read your Urban Explorer posts, this school is the tidiest one. Look at the kitchen and radiator. Seems like ready to use :)

I never made it to the school, this was the alternative.. a pub.. once. Now it's gone.


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Fanks! 🤣🤣

Welcome 😀

LOL - I see what you did there ;)

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