Tales of the Urban Explorer: Park House

I just checked when we visited ‘Park House', and it was one month before it got torched. Lucky again, but it was inevitable looking back at what we witnessed.

I was told about a ‘derelict nunnery’ by @anidiotexplores which immediately got my attention. A Nunnery would be another first. Churches, I have been into many but this was a little different.


The digital newspapers describe ‘Park House’ as a hospital. It does look like one and formally that could have been the case.

It seems like MFRS had to cut through a wooden board to gain entry to the building before using high-volume pumps to put out the flames.


They could have asked me how to get in, it was relatively easy.

"Fuck, there's nowhere to park…, everywhere... yellow lines"

Yellow lines means no parking; if you ignore the lines, and park a virtual traffic warden appears out of thin air and issues you a £30 fine before you can blink. That is a fact.


After driving up several streets, we parked on a housing estate maybe a quarter of a mile away. What a pain in the arse some of these councils are. The local residents were giving me the eye and sharpening their Stanley knives as we left.

...this is Liverpool…, expect a big fucking scratch on your car, that's if your car is still there on return...


The price I pay to get inside a Nunnery, and there are no guarantees.

After a slightly awkward climb which involved shimming across a wall, and landing on a barrel that decided to collapse under my weight, we were inside the grounds.

“You goin’ in there like?”

A scabby teenage girl with around six of her equally scabby mates was addressing me from the outer wall.

I could barely understand the dialect, so thick it was, and guessed that was the question.

“Yeah, if we can get in”, I replied.

...be a teenager, be one of them...


I have learned this from experience. If you are no threat they won't tie you up, or subject you to torture with cigarette burns, before raping you anally with un-lubricated bright pink dildos.

I hastened after @anidiotexplores who had disappeared down one side of ‘Park House’, looking for a way in.

scabbygirl and her pals somehow teleported inside the grounds and similarly followed me, much to my dismay. How did they get in so quickly?


After bypassing several overhanging trees, derelict ground, and pools of stagnant water I spotted the window @anidiotexplores had climbed through and disappeared inside.


scabbygirl was not letting up, and I could hear her gang pursuing me through the same window, hopefully, to get in the building and not to subject me to sustained torture.

I quickly caught up with my colleague who was snapping away, oblivious to the rampaging horde on my tail.

“Give them a smoke or something will you, or we won’t get out alive”, I suggested.

… but the horde had vanished into another part of Park House. Maybe now we could get down to some good old-fashioned exploring.


Had they been here before, was my arse safe?


The inside of ‘Park House’ was less than pretty with lots of long dark corridors as well as the distant noises of scabbygirl and friends.



Nothing was left on the shelves and a view of the old front entrance. Notice the 5* rating. That's usually for dispensers of food and drink.


A comfy chair for the receptionist as well as some Costa coffee; what's next to it looks like uneaten porridge..., tasty.


A card for ‘Sister Immaculate’ as well as some secret plans for ‘Park House’. That's some title, and confirmed to me, nuns were here and that it was no simple hospital.


What became of 'Mr. Sands and his accident? Was it one of those ‘Owwww… my neck’ claims for whiplash?


We came to a fork in the building.., down there looked to be a chapel.


...that way, another log corridor with endless rooms that looked similar.


… aaarghhh, scabbygirl was on to us with what looked like a mummy wrapped in white swabs accompanying her. (zoom in.. and you will see).


Quickly backtracking we made for the chapel, only to see these once lovely stairs with stain-glassed windows en route.


Why not use the fireplace if you want to start a fire?


The chapel could surely be a place of sanctuary for us at least for a while.


Is it possible that something had survived the mindless vandalism?



Closer inspection revealed all was not as it seemed. Someone had pulled the top off somehow or rather smashed some holes in it.


I am not a religious man, but I remember all this from when I was small, at school, and forced to go to church.


It would have been impressive once. I can only guess what it looks like now.


Heading up some stairs I was shocked to see a semi-working piano. Hitting a few notes we were interrupted by a middle-aged bloke who came out of nowhere.

“What are you doing here?”, he bellowed at us angrily.

After a brief discussion about Urban Exploring, he seemed to buy our excuse and focused on the banging and smashing noises coming from the depths of ‘Park House’.

"Those are the ones you need to check on", I suggested woefully. With that, he vanished as quickly as he appeared.

We heard raised voices a few minutes later, and the sounds of destroyed windows, furniture, and doors momentarily subsided.

"We need to get this done quickly and get the fuck out of here”. I suggested to @anidiotexplores.


This VHS tape seems very apt considering where we were.



Leaving the piano behind which only half-worked, as well as ‘The Nolan Sisters’, we moved on to the next area, systematically searching for anything of interest.



I wish I could say it was authentic and from the 1930s, but it looked like a forgery.


Close the door while having a shit or everyone can see.


It reads of good spiritual harmony themes. The sisters liked to write messages and leave them around.


I for one am relieved I missed the meeting. Sounds super boring.


How big was this place, hopefully, scabbygirl was over there somewhere and far from us?


Safety was not an issue, no water, no holes, and no bad stairs. It made a refreshing change.


You have to expect Hymn books in a nunnery. They are part of the furniture.


Reading about the Plague in Lisbon could have been fascinating, but for fuck sake, use some paragraph breaks. It makes for tough reading.


The odd priceless painting could be found in ‘Park House’. You needed to have your wits about you.


Microwaves generally survive in explores. This one had been burnt out, and placed on one of those nice chairs, systematically destroying it too.


We made out way out of ‘Park House’ noticing the bangs, crashes, and smashes had resumed. There was to be no respite for the nunnery until every window had been destroyed.

On exiting we found the middle-aged bloke fishing in a nearby pond. He told us tales of scabbygirl, the ringleader and her lieutenant, the mummy (who was visiting from Egypt), and his fruitless attempt to stop them from destroying ‘Park House’.


“It’s fucking useless, one day it will go up in flames”, he said reflectively.

No shit, it was about to happen.


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Nice treasure, fucking pikeys, still it keeps "Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub" in gainful employment

I am far too young to remember Trumpton.. 😀



At least you found the old dude alive and not tired to a fence post with one of them pink dildos stuffed up him!

He was a brave one, to face the Horde and Mummy head on. Not a chance we were gonna challenge them. It's not the first time we have had to listen to mindless fuckwits smashing things while we were exploring.

It must be quite the nerve jangly thing, wondering when they might turn their attention to the dudes with the big fancy torches!

Man.... thats so cool what you do. Its like living like the Goonies!!! Find urban treasure!!! Not even sure how you find these places... if it was available to everyone I am sure it would have been more damaged and vandalized. Always fun to read your adventures.

Not even sure how you find these places...

My comrade, @anidiotexplores finds most of them. I do the driving.. it's an unspoken agreement we have. I do find one or two at times!

An unspoken agreement~ I assume it was created from all the journeys both of you and your comrade developed. Still, finding places like these cannot be an easy task and that is value. :) Thanks for sharing.

That was quite an adventure. Sounds like you were lucky to escape with your trousers intact. Plenty of 'scabby' folk around who will trash anything they can.

And nuns there were none...

The Horde were not just made up of scaggygirl and the visiting mummy, there were some lads too. I wanted to keep my distance but they were fast.., and somehow sensed I knew the way (I didn't). Luck saved me, the lure of smashing everything up in sight was greater than them turning on us, as gangs of teens generally do.

Shabbygirl and the gang of teenagers would make me nervous. I wonder if they were the ones who lit the fire? Lol
I don't know why but the guy fishing in the pond afterwards is pretty funny to me.

Shabbygirl and the gang of teenagers would make me nervous. I wonder if they were the ones who lit the fire? Lol

I suspect so, I think they have been going in there only too often. If it was their first time, it was not the last.

That was so adventurous...wondering how many tale to tell hidden in that place....alwsys interesting to find every bit of information from.such place.

There's likely a whole load of history behind the building. I can only add so much.., otherwise it's tl;dr.

Only one scratch? Lucky, I'd say. A friend of mine got two full blown front-to-rear scratches on both sides and a flat tire just because she parked for two hours on "someone else's slot" and it was a puddle as it was raining. So European, isn't it...

One could tell so much about a nation by the stuff left inside the abandoned buildings. I bet in some parts of the world all metallic parts, those huge radiators included, will be stolen to be sold for scrap in less than a week :D


One could tell so much about a nation by the stuff left inside the abandoned buildings.

The copper vanishes very quickly, the rest.., it generally rots away forever.

Looks like it had some good bones still. Too bad the torched it. I have a feeling based on the behavior you described that scabby girl was probably quite familiar with the place. They seemed to have a singular focus in mind! I stayed in an old convent once. It wasn't that horrible. Nowhere near as big as this!

described that scabby girl was probably quite familiar with the place.

I think they may have been regulars, some more of the gang joined them later. They were still in there when we left.

Makes sense

This was not an easy exploring I will say. I'm happy you and @anidiotexplores where able to leave there safely. I was actually getting a little worried but then I realized you already wrote this post which means you guys were fine, lolz.

The nunnery looks really big, so many long corridors and rooms. Its a good thing scabbygirl and her squad didn't get to you guys, do you think that stranger was the one that chased them away? I wonder.

You know, these photos are just so incredible, I love them, they are just so bright and they help tell each story perfectly well. I'm really so happy I could go on this exploration with you today, I've missed a lot.

You know, these photos are just so incredible, I love them, they are just so bright and they help tell each story perfectly well.

Thanks, I tend to look at each, and then add a comment about it. That's how I put these 'Tales' together.

Yes I noticed that and it's a brilliant idea, it makes every photo counts.

You're welcome, do have a great day moving forward.

It's nice to read an exploration in a place where the stairs are solid, but this place gave me the creeps. I'm just not keen on the whole nunnery idea. Pity about the stained glass being smashed up but it was bound to happen. Scabby girl and tribe are the little shits that get you guys into trouble from Karens.

I take it that there's not much left of this place after the fire.

Scabby girl and tribe are the little shits that get you guys into trouble from Karens.

Yes, I am not fond of sharing places with a bunch of half-wit chavs, but there's little I can do about it, but be one of them (without the smashing).

Derelict building explored
Scabby girl with friends in tow
Trespassing, danger

In a nutshell, I prefer to be more verbose 😀

Thank you very much for sharing this place with us. While I was looking at it, I immediately thought that it looks like a post-apocalyptic place that can be scanned with 3D scanner applications and then put into games. As I have said in the places you have shared before, usually when I see abandoned places I always think of games like Dying Light / DayZ. Thank you very much, it was as if I went on an adventure in real life!🤗

I need to try those Dying Light games, I have a PS5.

I highly recommend!

Love the piani. Maybe next time play some Slobberchops tunes?

I could play once, decades passed and I forgot almost everything.. it depressing.

Yeah you are right this charch looks different and beautiful. Sad to see this house totally destroy. Someone break everything.

The amount of vandalism that this place suffered is impressive, but apart from that the structure looks well preserved, perhaps it can be restored one day if the mayor's office wanted it...

I wonder how many times you find other people in your explorations in abandoned places, it must be nerve-wracking to start listening to how they destroy things while you're still there

I wonder how many times you find other people in your explorations in abandoned places, it must be nerve-wracking to start listening to how they destroy things while you're still there

It's quite rare, I prefer nobody else there when I am snapping. Less distractions.

How many of those do you do a year roughly?
And I hope your car was not on bricks by the time you got back!

How many of those do you do a year roughly?

Upward of 100 or so, I have managed 10 in a single session, the average is around 5.

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An impressive building indeed - seemed pretty big, and drawing a 'nice' crowd ! What is it with the arsonists ? Well they got the name right, because they are arses. A shame that another one has gone up in flames.

What is it with the arsonists ? Well they got the name right, because they are arses.

This country is rampant with them, it's like a disease.

Now, who would read the French phrase in an English country.

O Jesus, King of love, I trust in your merciful kindness.

Sanctum is btw Latin. 😉

I wonder how a religious place has been left to a mess there, perhaps they found it useless :)

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Scab People Must Be Eradicated 🔥🔥🔥


The outside of that place still looks to be in pretty good shape, and some of the rooms look pretty good too! A shame its fallen into disrepair elsewhere.

Late to catching up with reading, another explore, an interesting place to see the old hand written notes, wonder how many remember how to?

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