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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Dairy Farm House

In my opinion, the new owner is only after the location of the land and a few years later will make a little profit from the increase in the price of the land. That's why the building is just left alone and never used.

@slobberchops, I see you as one of the following categories, don't you think?

There is always a sense of curiosity when looking at a building that has been abandoned for a long time.

For some people, this will bring its own satisfaction. Some are even addicted. There is no sense of wanting to own and occupy it. Just a desire to restore curiosity about what had happened there.

For some others, they even come there at night and become objects in search of scary ghosts.


at night and become objects in search of scary ghosts.

There are plenty who do this, I am not one of them.

You are definitely not one of them.I've been expecting it @slobberchops

I advise you to visit the place at night, surely the results of the photo object will be very different. Will you do it?