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RE: HiveSigner, Hive Keychain, HiveAuth or Enter Your Key On A Site??? (later entry: PeakLock - see update inside about that oversight)

in Hive Polls6 months ago

So I am curious, is there a clear leader in auth tools here, and is it even worth it to code and support for the others anymore? Would an app survive if it simplified itself to a single Authentication mechanism?

Personally, I only use HIVE KEYCHAIN, it's near perfect.


Personally me too, but we're just a couple of knuckleheads amidst a few thousand daily active users. :)

I didn't know keychain is so unpopular, they don't know what they're missing!

LOL, can't tell if sarcasm or...

Per the poll, its 10 votes KC, 1 sarcastic vote from por500bolos for enter your key (he makes jokes, in comments and so on, so I know that vote is him being silly) and no votes for any of the others.

So KC is clearly the one, as well it being the one everyone immediately demanded for when I launched with only hivesigner because it was easy and KC was very hard for me to implement quickly.

a couple of knuckleheads amidst a few thousand daily active users

I read this as if there are only a few thousand keychain users. Seems like there would me much more.

My dude, there are only a few thousand active Hive users. But don't think about that, it's depressing.

Yeah, that is depressing. I like my fantasy version of HIVE better: there are millions using it, serious competition to "X" formerly twitter. Elon is so jealous, he bought millions and millions of HIVE at twenty cents, now it's $300 and he's a mega-whale upvoting all the best legacy HIVE bloggers, and the the millions of new HIVE users are complaining about it. Did you hear you can buy Tesla's with HBD? Elon has declared HIVE the official currency of Mars.

I like the way you think kid, you'll go far!

I asked the creators of keychain why the code points to a Google Analytics tracking code and to this day they have not responded to me.

You can enable data usage analytics in keychain, I would venture a guess that this is why Google Analytics tracking code is there.