Well, I can tell you a lot about that, because I live in Venezuela (socialism) and you can imagine how they censor us and force us to believe in what they want, fortunately here in this blockchain they can't stop me from saying that they are bastards, although Yes, they can persecute me for that, the nice thing about all this is that in case they persecute me or do something, here is proof that I am expressing my opinion, and that is why they have decided to do it.
I'm like Cool Mc Cool, I love danger (this is a reference to an old cartoon)
I'm sorry for your situation, I am close with many Venezuelans. I also own a small casita in norther rural volcano and mountain regional Costa Rica. It's very different from Venezuela and yet so physically close.
Costa Rica is a beautiful place, one of my former loves of my life lives there =). The people are wonderful, I have several friends there, I recently chatted with one of them on discord.
No problem, it's just chance that decided to push me to overcome this deadly challenge called Venezuela hahahaha.
Venezuela = Plant

Me = Frog
Stay safe there. I do hear things are improving slightly, and my friends seem healthier, happier and better off there this year than in years past, but I know there is still a long way to go ahead.