now has a simple filter to divide the notifications you get... which one do you use the most? (Choose up to 2 options)
Edit: Totally forgot REPLIES. We'll assume it's one most people would have selected
As a follow up question (topic of conversation) what would you like to see different about notifications. It's a tricky thing to do notifications what we use was built by SteemIt INC many years ago and hasn't really seen too much development ever since it was created. The team has worked on an open source system that Keychain is using. What would you like to see.
So if you're using a different notifications system please share and tell us what you love about it we are all ears.
As a reminder of what we're talking about here is the layout of the notification system on and the filter in use.
I actually use replies the most, but that's not an option in the poll :)
yep that was a mistake... but now we'll see what the second most used filter is. haha
I keep it on no filter but I do use the mentions and replies, so I can see the most important conversations on my blog and others blogs.
No Replies in the options? It's the one I use the most.
Yep was a mistake by me ... it was likely going to win anyway (assumption) so i guess we'll now find out the second most voted. haha
@borislavzlatanov do we have any ability to edit a poll... maybe a time frame for obvious mistake fixes. Not editing it way later after lots have voted. Just curious.
That's fine, We can now see if there's a way to edit polls within a reasonable time frame :) I voted for my second most used.
Thanks for all the work you guys are doing to both desktop extension and mobile dApp. Use both all the time. I don't know what else I would to to notifications at the moment. I guess I'll have to think about it and get back to you if I come up with something.
Allowing the ability to edit the poll would unfortunately introduce indeterminacy. Right now we have clear determinacy - the very first posting of the poll is what every API and every frontend shows and it is what is considered when calculating the results (including applying the poll's filters). Now, if we allow editing within a given timeframe, it creates the possibility that someone can vote and then the poll changes after the vote. It also creates the possibility that different APIs and different frontends might show different poll choices or settings, because one API was behind for some reason and it showed an old version, or the frontend had cached a previous version, or a user had opened the poll post and while reading it the poll changed. So it creates ambiguity about what might have happened at all those points and how to interpret the results.
As a simple workaround, the poll could be scrapped and re-done if it was flawed, or even better, let the poll run while acknowledging its flaws and then make a second more comprehensive poll that incorporates lessons learned from the first one.
(Btw, as a funny aside, sometimes people make "mistakes" that turn out to be the right thing to do. And sometimes we correct ourselves too fast. Not saying that's the case always, of course, just sometimes.)
Yeah I like many different social medias some allow eternal editing and some have a time frame that an edit can be acceptable and sometime that time frame is very short. So something like 1 minute or 5 minutes is on the table. I wouldn't even see a huge issue with 10 minutes But perhaps five is much better. People are allowed to change their vote if in the rare likelihood they voted within the five minutes.
I haven't really picked a filter, but replies are what I look for. I like engagement with my content, especially when I include an easter egg comment request and someone responds. It part of why I detest spam comments with empty token calls.
I have started using Notifications again because of the filters. But i also use F.r.i.d.a.y notification bot on discord. Mentions are also high up there. I check REPLIES the most.
Replies haha
You miss replies there - the most useful filter to me.
Only 2 votes xD ? I use all of them.
Whenever an orange number comes over the bell, I get excited. No matter what it is under :D
I believe most of us use Replies (Missing on the poll) So I've marked the last one