Win Trading Question 2: Different team submissions

in Hive Polls7 months ago

When a player is matched against themselves in a ranked, brawl, or a tournament battle is it acceptable for them to try different teams?

  • It is ok for Players to submit 2 different of their strongest possible teams
  • Players can submit any 2 teams they want
  • No, Players must draw
  • Some other option please see my comment below

For ranked - just don't submit battle on both ends (no contest)
For brawls - make sure you don't play accounts in the same frays
For tournaments - enter just 1 account

I lean toward draw ... but i do wonder if there is another option that no one is thinking of so i'll refrain for now.

This is a start of a conversation and by no means do I think I have presented all of the viable options there are. This is a great place to start the conversation as a community though.

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BEERHey @royaleagle, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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Have trouble answering this one, i see others say that ppl shouldn't play 1 summoner and just 1 monster to draw, but then here they say that they should draw, if they have to draw, why wouldn't it be allowed with what is asked in the first poll.

planned draws should be illegal. Either submit different teams or change the order of the lineup.

Again, why would you face yourself in a Tournament/Brawl/Ranked?
Don't play with multiple accounts in Tournaments (don't hate me now).
Don't put your accounts in same Fray in Brawls.
Don't queue multiple accounts at the same time.

easy peasy. no? 😇



The current majority of both polls is contradicting with each other. Or we are expecting players to field a team with 1 summoner and 2 units to take a draw to fulfill both polls?

I reached out to a few players. At least one of the had issues with the wording of 1 summoner / 1 unit is acceptable. They would prefer neither account submit and take a timeout surrender draw.

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BEERHey @royaleagle, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

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For me i think Draw is the best option,
✅ energy deduct per draw both accounts.
✅ both account doesn't got rating if draw.
✅ wasted a lot of time.

Win trading sucks and should be banned.

No, different teams can easily give an intentional win to a specific account. I feel the only fair option is a double loss to disincentivize multi accounting without banning it.

Frankly I usually don't even realize at first when I'm playing against myself because I don't look at the opponent's name. I have 3 accounts (bravetofu, lordtofu, and holotofu) and occasionally come up against myself in Tournaments, but I usually only realize it after I submit the 2nd one, and so I end up with two different teams (the accounts have different cards, and I usually don't do them at the same time, so I inevitably end up with different ideas...). So yeah I don't intentionally draw because I don't even realize I'm playing myself :) If I got penalized for not drawing, I'd be quite pissed off.