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RE: What are your expectations of Hive witnesses?

in Hive Polls7 months ago

Honestly aslong as the chain is safe I am not much bothered. See the main thing for me is that what happened a couple of years ago must not happen again, a huge knock was dealt and so far we've come out better and stronger.. for the most part. The thing is when that happened I think a lot of users just didn't quite know what was going on... especially people who don't know a lot about the platform. How many potentially great story tellers were left behind on Steem not even knowing about Hive?

Safety isn't just the only concern really, I'd say people that actually add value to the chain... people who build up communities that are thriving, people who work on improving the chain and the things to do on it... like the games you and others are building. All of that will at the end of the day shed some more light on Hive as well... there for drawing in more and more people.

However sustainability is something we have to work on, (That might not be the right word for it?) (We must find a way to keep new people engaged even though they don't get as rewarded s they thought they would. Most people think it's a quick banger to get a buck but when they don't get that buck they back off)

Get what I am saying?