Still, if we just abandon (like all the comments under your post seems to want) - we still need some kind of alternative.
Do we though? We would have $270/day less sell pressure and about $20/day of abuse.
Still, if we just abandon (like all the comments under your post seems to want) - we still need some kind of alternative.
Do we though? We would have $270/day less sell pressure and about $20/day of abuse.
Yeah, you only care about the selling pressure, ofc
huh? I've been fighting abuse before it was cool. In fact, I still fight more abuse than they do 6 years later.
The reality is though, we are paying them $290/day (they originally got $350/day but with all the blowback they lowered it to $290/day so they still keep getting paid). They actually stop less than $20/day. If they did nothing, we would save like $270/day.
I know that Hivewatchers is more of a problem than a solution - that is nothing new since years
Still, we need SOME alternative, instead of just allowing wild west abuse (cuz noone except you and the old few faces care for anti-abuse)
with all the scammers currently whining against Hivewatchers and cheering for the abolishment
this platform will go to dust very fast
no matter that we have 290 $ less selling pressure
wild west abuser platform is worse than 290$ selling pressure
Any abuse is easily dealt with. The simple fact most abusers have no HP to take advantage of it. Hive Watchers spends most of their days cleaning up posts for a few pennies
It is easy - if organized
All the raging germans (who cry cuz their easy way of farming rewards is gone due to HW) even advocate for ABOLISHING DOWNVOTING IN GENERAL
and your great Hive platform that goes to complete shit
Germans didnt care about us wanting to decentralize HW, they only care about their easy rewards.
Their circlejerks.
So they suddenly want to abolish HW
Ofc Downvoting in general
So they can have their "peace and freedom" again
Good luck !
I doubt Hive Watchers does much to deal with any of it anyway, they mostly go after people farming 4 cent rewards and new users. It takes me about 2 seconds to add them to my bot to deal with it.
I dont care what you doubt.
Thousandth time: I also do not like HW - since way too long
still, noone has a better idea in this great decentralized community
Have some other better idea - make the useful idiots germans join the anti-abuse effort
decentralize it
But if you all now just rage to abolish Hivewatchers, we will soon have the whole Steem Swamp here
And every scammer from the net
You guys need to imagine that we need to give good incentives, as a platform - not only for scammers and abusers