Woah! It's 3:54 AM and I'm still reading your post. I won't be able to sleep until I can reply. How I wish I could go back to this kind of writing. Simply putting into words all your thoughts. It's raw but very authentic. No need for flares.
I think everyone's a storyteller but in different forms. You are just so good at writing. I'm not saying I'm bad at writing, but I can feel I'm lacking. I compensated it in other forms like photography, but the writing is still lacking. And recognize that. It's something I should be working on. I can't pour out my emotions into writing. Finding the right words to express my thoughts is just too tedious. Sometimes I ended up disappointed whenever I read my posts because it feels lacking. Yes, they're mostly feel-good posts and I am happy that they resonate to some people, but they're not perfect for me.
Maybe I need more introspection. My favorite writer was an unknown old lady in the internet. I totally forgot her name, but I can't forget her works. She's just writing her diary, but every word perfectly describes her perspective. And to tell you honestly, this post reminds me of her works. It feels as I'm just gliding through your thoughts.
If people are looking up to my level of quality, maybe they should look up to you instead. You're better than GB. No offense @glecerioberto. We'll just resign to the fact that we'll just compensate our inadequacy in words with refined photos. And that's okay. 😄
I'm so happy that you finally joined Hive because I know how good you are at writing. It took more than a year, but it's worth the wait. Kudos to GB for inviting you again. He told me once he's getting tired of inviting people, but I told him I also got tired when I invited him. I guess this space is really different. Not everyone will heed to the invitation. Some just take time to join.
Wow, I didn't expect this.
I remember you mentioned that the key to a good post is something that's made from the heart. People recognize that. Ever since there, I have put my heart on my sleeves for my post. At times, I feel like I put myself into areas of vulnerability, but then I figured it made me stronger post by post.
Thank you for this Kim! I'm still generally unfamiliar with some of the things in Hive, but I'm quite confident to be around you. You highlight, among all things, the value of integrity. I realized our artistic pursuits could vanish into thin air when integrity is lost, and so I have to live up to this high standard of being true.
Have a great day ahead! Thanks a lot for this. :)
There's really a certain level of vulnerability in this space, especially that what you put in here could not be deleted. Your awareness of that vulnerability will make you stronger. You're right, you'll get stronger with each post because you will be aware of your vulnerability. For me, once you're aware, people could not exploit those vulnerabilities against you.
On integrity, I always emphasize that because that's what makes your blogs here unique. When you're true to yourself, your foundations are solid. No one can accuse you of anything.
You are your own commodity in this space. Meaning, you're capitalizing on yourself. So you nailed it when you say, "our artistic pursuits could vanish into thin air when integrity is lost". And I thought people didn't realize that. They're so obsessed with their reputation which is not sustainable. Considering how insightful you are, I would say you're on the right track. Padayon.
Time sa. Dami ko na hanash. Makapressure ba! 😂 Ma-insightful man sad ta ahat.
Such good words. Thanks Kim!
Let's take this as a challenge to go back to the versions of ourselves who transform our thoughts into flowing words. Kaya po. Let's dig deep and pour out ourselves. I know it takes a lot of effort compared to how we just talk about our travels but I think you know what I mean when you look at a piece of your writing and you can say to yourself, "Wow. I wrote this?"Bat po nananakit, @ybanezkim26? 😂
Sugdi kuno bi! Kay musunod ko. 😂