I had a massive password leak few months ago, then this just happened:
Tx ec8f28b0.. | Hive Block 67840840 | Hivetransfer 10.005 HIVE to @apeng
Tx 39ce6f4f.. | Hive Block 67840842 | Hivetransfer 2.102 HBD to @apeng- custom json:
Tx ff0609e4.. | Hive Block 67840859 | Hive - custom json: transfer","contractPayload":{"symbol":"SWAP.HIVE","to":"apeng","quantity":"16.36667299
Tx 8615a05e.. | Hive Block 67840944 | Hive - update account data
Tx 6e6dfe24.. | Hive Block 67840968 | Hive - withdraw 113.432 HP from vesting
Tx 76f9cb7a.. | Hive Block 67840978 | Hive - than more transfers to @apeng and @hamna, and as shown on hiveblocks, I am not the only victim.
Further investigation
My other account is leaking to @one-manul and @sorry.wallet
- @apeng is transferring to @hamna
- @hamna is transferring to @haja
- @one-manul is transferring to @deepcrypto8
@ | Recovery account |
@apeng | steemmonsters |
@hamna | steem |
@sorry.wallet | blocktrades |
@one-manul | blocktrades |
Most of the leaks are started after the Core Dev Meeting #39
First thing should be done in case like this, to change passwords and remove malicious codes, but
I have authenticated sessions on leofinance.io, hive.blog, and with the Hive Keychain chrome extension, but wasn't able to find any solution to sign transactions, to stop the powerdown and transferring my HIVE tokens to save from thieves :|
⚠️ Any transaction request redirects to hivesigner.com
Invalid KEYs
Invalid username or password. You need to use master, active, posting or memo key to login.
Login failed Error: Invalid credentials
entering any of the keys resulting
Invalid Hivesigner password
Bugsnag.notify() was called before Bugsnag.start()
Error while logging in, please try again in a few moments
Loaded PeakD version 2022.11.1
/login/verify:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()
Invalid WIF Key for Account!
Hive Keychain
There was an error broadcasting this transaction: : [["STM555ojdM8Dbkj6Thd59iT3uet7hBK97abSsYHeyokQkCpGvZLiF",1]]}
Changing KEYs?
MMoSP003E- steem-python customize a tools for change keys was written on February 16, 2020. for #steem, now I have no technical background to test it (and have no hope to have access to change data). Any other recommendations are welcome
Other possible victims
If you are a victim, leave a note below, if you aren't, maybe you can reveal the truth behind the leak to come closer to solution.
@elfictron @imcesca @carrioner @nancybriti @milayosawa @leahlei @saimegh @eyonlapar @bharathmp @murad @honey-swap @enjoyaceh @apeng @sibran @honeydee @everosy @firmandaputrabbx @ozywashere @auzifalevi @chinyere @ziaur @kaching @mahdi-diab @jcdetona @ahsan4 @investior @fatoyoku @dionnnnnnn @matiasfumagalli @hendrykeren @kuladip @nahus @iipoh @nastyakrasotka @edigleisson @bskanth @ozumba @updanny @ghostsgod @drohan @ykhan @karimindra @tellafriend @hadebaryor @lokesh @tobism @sekula @mohiuddinbd @victorlondono @rikytj @nataliejohnson @jamesbarraclough @randaljlacerda @karolczyk @t-flames @jos @richfacts @komil @tisko @slempase @quehacer @ikchris @mjr @appbountyhackpw @surendra @anthonycarranza @hadiafdal @mustch @dubydoo @jacareh @sherifmawad @kyushotribe @zuni @alalahamed @eaposztrof @rushlee @ayufitri @skullpog @grandeur @realizeyes @spoylerbg @brendaa @emremutlu @whalebooster @yousafmaier @anupupadhaya @jacoblayan @phrv e @orinoco @stalexmkl @muslia @bsmalls @joefubuzerofive @zulhelmi @budifatria @azzamsteemian @debbiebeats @soultwisting @rismayanti @cosco @okahjul @phait @lobinia @iamgenius @technoboy @hotbit @merciuz7 @jotascouts @oluwatosin @estrellamag @ramonnramoss @david @sm-onetin @kjwon @irwanumpal @linnhyotaryar @shahzeenkhan @beenakhatri @haja @owaniofficial @raynaldi @jorgerml @astafar @naz @tintintouhid @nasurunavas @reputation-bot @steemians-bot @yasararafath @migotronic @ntsikatheguv @rosana6 @rookielector @searchandfind @gbengaonaderu @ideosprocess @tvouls @my @maxwell @nirdosh @darklord @franciscodgv @abdulhaleem @vargart @hamna @hadiafdal @globalschool @zeraton @lupo @shahzadawan @mitaenda @daveyz @haseez @yashkr @steemmates @racostapinto @tprahul @arkarphyo @valto @nutricaofacil @narasika.mantra @chavidavi @barni @dcarohr @alexnoboa @zihad @josenunes @ambitiontokill @jonmaxwell @mykizzy @sibtainaliawan @davidinnocent @geniusgames @shadae @azizu @muhammadrifai @sintiafrianisa @aulia @ismail @sharath @rayziv @bharatdulyan @sanjeev @dkzaix @pknerd @beeswap.fees @anwarlabu @abcreativespirit @djadimax @nuruzzahri @leitocartujo @navil @chaelpacia @osamablinkdagger @technos @carrycarrie @bracia.kar @ntac @ali.moznebi @smcipa @thelinas @barpicaf @digitalexchange @berdaosk @arre @josuealvarado @siraaj @mdsumonislam @sakshath @one-manul @lunetteee @bdtradeandinvest @tupiar-records @rawcoins @sabs @belajar.ngoding @equiperio @juninkins @danielorbita @new-york @cammaia @gali @rharphelle @hzerpa @shugeily @nirab @maulana-saputra @mariusjames @putroe.ijoe @amju @yan @neher @sayedhaq @hridoy @mojahidbhuiyan @syamsulrizal @osamos @jumaidi @sadi @frewa @luckysteemer @hrecel @animesukidesu @pagodu @babil @amja @danishyousafzai @kelvin @lovelyheart @pik-online @mursalabdurrauf @edoe @kou @ajay @enterg @mustanjong @avinash @hisaaks @mrmurtons @mohammadibrahim @boord @nickynacky @muhammadharis @benjiebenitez @fedrihidayat @molotok @reyun @waell @deepaksharma @aboodisa @biswajit @scienceonline @jibon @mdarifurrahman @absolutezero @facto @abdilridha @jorgearce @ogunwoledward @syfol @khanhfd @rsj @thecouchpotato @souravroy @littlefox @pokefan @pedro-lion @yenaing @pedro-calejo @adnan @yisct @waseemakram @kujaautumn @svenerd @one-autumn-leaf @raduberes @sports @adelusin @sanzrasp @engrkevz @rahim @valentinoboss @hama @glitchsoft @stargazing @chrissilvia @jlgoodwin @eleonora.miranda @earn.hive @adye @mithaa @waltwhite @anavnzla @jeikun @mahedihasan @steemaro @arnelski @kiuwan @acesky @killerpenta @inarte @death @ihuomastephen @jashua @marakesh @davgits @marketingdigital @palusso @chrisjayl @renearias @rotex @abdelghani @adifigo @deragopc @rajatcool @sakib @jerelyn @wishwaft @trifelo @rmben @teggy @ngminnows @leobruzual @kelbit @scoobie @sciborg @emmanuel @auziflv @abupasi.alachy @thegregory @emu @dammyone @thobby @psalmmy @misbahjuli @bakita @akaashkashi @gmsummer @moizrajput @blakasuta @bongo @dollarman @luthorken @rimon @cryptocharts @chengql @bangfadlitampan @timo @florinsbalan @himanitaneja @ombeye @honeygirl @nguyenphuc @assassin @suryasteem @adiza @dhananjaysharma @saywharadio @impala-arts @tracer @imadulauwalin @donaldpatterson @drisers @adeniyijoshua @marvmuhd @trillex @saifuzzaman @bigmankeli @ahmedgomaa @palcoins @raindropbd @david.pelerin @smnazmulislam @googllgoog @jayeshdeedz @gunaseelan @suniljeph @flipp @theworldobserver @plee @outustice @ananda @aparapid @paulove @dannyzill @lamnguyen @sandritubagus @amitbepari @jflexy @taimi @browncephas @alanbeam @champok @researchera @mooen @blankz @thepot @dantexsan @ejhaasteem @dandelion @hydrahut @eliff @ayda-husna @ali.hassan @acehtour @nisya @zaitun @goby @nakamichi @vousmetouchez @icymlz @aksakal @hasim @sohelsarowar @joeythegamer @faranahmed @tlatso-son @closdechoi @grigoritatheodor @ifee @tenten @ocierhennessy @yueprime @minnowcoin @jesuszoliz @surisurii @awaiskhan @amynmajid @qipqemboi @jword @thefrey @muhanaffa @fadiassad @fadlbux @writeyourwrongs @humorbomb @rizalmukarram @steemsky @infoworld @kzaw @ireabueke @takimetrico @ragmurin @arvinder @momet @ojosbarroso @rivaandikanew @aaronlee @jonjp @gwentman @kinkinw @been @shadywinter @champeeon @ankusa @luqmanali @irfanali @umairhassan @manzerali @erjay @epicmountainbike @roxyokoro @coolfunnyjames @rolf-kristian @cryptoespacio @carment @mouadfealous @edobode @awan @nnippuzz @maddy @housegod @cardozaainc @barsalvatierra @rostwell @chetanmanmode @emma @ragesong @advowire @alextg @rkshah @mwaqar @riya @simon @jorandcor @romelt @mekanoyun @jesushernandez @caropaez @kirusha @mohanmd @pushpmedia @babalsilau @allandiel @biancapossel @familygaming @dizneftips @mrpete @kabayan @segirl @mazban @desmintiendo @lkhagvaa @designerlove @queborraodude @yougetme @idrizdi @paty @steven-chef @martintm @mateenrp @atik @shahab @qadeerpitafi @zeshansaqib @zsolt @mohammedpolash @simbarleon @haxwell @crabwrangler @tomasit @firdosi @beautyewa @amol @deuzige @breadthegood @robertdartist @atere @subhas @gulzaman @aboro @foodzone @bettingtips @koddmc @decipher @stixhenon @papillon- @allen-chingonzoh @adamazing @sharon.digital @loranozero @obamike @singul @duxe @generic @emmanuelmitti @ferdi @kisuka @mcpaulkyle @ercumentkumru @maggienelson @mrbean @abdeamjad.wins @dorming @rgame @samiryoucef @pokle @aneukcipuga @zahid @kizarugamez @islemliaz @cradenze @sandman @kindred @lildevil @azam @jskrahul @djidour @samirapatel @awis @asfuriah @kulin @srdeportiv @rindu @khaled @hebertnery @muhammadrasyid @mohsin @gtxgamer @munarpasse @fazlayrabbydhk @angelicajenina @teymusic @waterlily @nicetaimur @auritalk @taimoor @genitit @osman @crazyplays @ipower @haji @duniesky @wasdel @gunadsen @spirit-of-truth @asadnaymur @johan @obispoc @pranta @edulapromo @rafiakbar @captstern @youngtrader @cinemaa @andresvielma @daniel @arshi @lamb @krisjack @ouzzat @eyaeio @dukesung @cangeli @abdellatifess @jeffrey @minet @kacperos @grbaki @weddings @jmvector.art @yrequena @cryptoinboxmoney @mazanoaguia @kawsarkobir @apeles @lagarelli @rodrigozottis @petercsak @douglioro @drk @dewadam @vexstroxs @mokshaone @tayofabusiwa @jirayutarmeiei @jasonodavis @chrisscastapoeta @ebx @mehtevas @kufontinas @ramandhungel @miawanders @ariaroberts @bdiamond @arghyakar @mosesmee @mdalmahadi @ismarysosa @emmanz @henri @thepicarla @yasiin @dauntlessheart @rsplatform @bitcoinkingmaker @rayhanul @arief @amh @itfar @daguca @binhnvhl @robinabarney @charmayne @curticebourne @bathilda.ramsey @lorchen.nash @zakaryhayhurst @therysmythe @doreese.sidney @tatyana.brandon @iven.emsworth @amoryhayes @finjalee @julchen.whitney @althee.kimberly @romeotwynam @sayuti @steemit.teacher @trongnghiasky @byprduct @przemos @lawrrance @burica @lyoungfficiel @imranhussain @lovelynath @ali @flirtchatting @loki @jeanpaulo @zahromahli @jlachmac @rosemary @sadiras @cengrdwn @fichte @efestos @madmick @aungzay @karthikmvs @marinegamez @dopplereffect @saffari @bliss @daleguthery @sbusher @nicmutis @jelal @jmz @derxdude @ahridorable @alemoon @fauziojiozy @pattycosplayer @romanus @trandist @lisettegarcia @promundo @jeetec @bogdanrosculet @omarshannara @kisalecx @tweetybird @khrispy @arcange @justsayings @muktaaktar @munniselim @bitcoingmbh @saver @myzik
#HIVE was my last hope for freedom, but now, I am really disappointed. Cheer me up please!
It looks like your keys were changed on 2022-09-12, if your recovery account was set to valto by you i would recommend starting the recovery process (it doesn’t look like the hacker managed to change your recovery acct). In the Hive discord they are aware of this hacker compromising accounts. You should join the discord, they can probably help you if you have any questions about recovering your account. I hope you get it sorted out!
Thank you. Sadly I am not able to access my recovery account neither :|
Sent the request to #discord https://discord.com/channels/689265414714163208/689268520537817212/1046584462814756915
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
I was also robbed, and nobody does anything in the chain nor can it be stopped, damn thieves