體驗紐約羅斯福島空中纜車 Ride the Roosevelt Island Tramway NYC

in HIVE CN 中文社区14 days ago (edited)

Most modern aerial tramway
Queensboro Bridge
Enjoy night views

我一直以紐約的交通工具只有公車、地鐵和計程車,直到某個在紐約居住的朋友忽然問我想不想去看看康乃爾科技校區 (Cornell Tech),充滿好奇心的我直接答應,然後就意外解鎖了紐約新的交通工具—羅斯福島空中纜車。

因為康乃爾科技校區位於紐約市羅斯福島(Roosevelt Island)上,而羅斯福島介於曼哈頓區與皇后區之間,是一座位於東河(East Rive)上的狹長島嶼,我當時的生活圈不太會經過羅斯福島,加上搭地鐵可直達羅斯福島,所以完全沒想到島上居然還有空中纜車可供選擇。


空中纜車外型為復古的紅色,車廂一次可容納125個人,從位於第 59 街和第 60 街之間的第 2 大道上的曼哈頓站搭乘纜車即可前往羅斯福島。班次則是每10-20分鐘就有一班,最方便的是可以直接用紐約地鐵卡Metrocard刷卡進站,單次票價2.9美元,如果你購買地鐵卡時選擇 (Unlimited Ride) 無限搭乘 (Unlimited Ride) 方案,還可以在一定天數裡免費無限次乘坐。


順帶一提,由於每次車程只有5分鐘左右,加上纜車內基本上都是觀光客,所以想找個好位置拍攝美麗的風景還是有一定難度的,不過參觀紐約的遊客大部分會購買地鐵卡的Unlimited Ride 方案,所以搭配該方案後就可以多坐幾次纜車,完全不用擔心看不到好風景。

I used to think that New York’s public transportation only consisted of buses, subways, and taxis—until a friend living in NYC asked if I wanted to visit the Cornell Tech campus. Curiosity got the better of me, and I said yes right away, unintentionally unlocking a new mode of transportation in NYC: the Roosevelt Island Tramway.

Cornell Tech is located on Roosevelt Island, a narrow strip of land in the East River between Manhattan and Queens. Since my usual routes never took me near Roosevelt Island and the subway conveniently goes directly there, I had no idea that the island also had an aerial tramway as an alternative option.

Roosevelt Island itself is a well-known tourist spot in New York, especially in spring when cherry blossoms line the riverside paths. The island also offers breathtaking views of the Manhattan skyline, attracting plenty of visitors. Naturally, the tramway connecting Manhattan and Roosevelt Island has become a popular choice for tourists.

The tramway has a charming retro red design and can accommodate up to 125 people per cabin. You can board at the Manhattan station located on 2nd Avenue between 59th and 60th streets. Trams run every 10 to 20 minutes, and the best part? You can use your MetroCard to board, just like the subway. A single ride costs $2.90, and if you’ve purchased an Unlimited Ride MetroCard, you can ride the tram as many times as you like within the valid period.

It’s said that daytime rides are perfect for taking in aerial views of the East River, Queensboro Bridge, and Manhattan’s stunning skyline. I happened to ride at night, so I could only enjoy the city’s glittering lights—but it was still quite romantic, even if my photos didn’t quite capture the magic.

One thing to note: since the ride only lasts about five minutes and the tram is often filled with tourists, it can be tricky to find the perfect spot for photos. However, if you're using the Unlimited Ride MetroCard, you can ride as many times as you want without worrying about missing the best views.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu

