[Defi門外漢] 吃了一小口壽司🍣卻還吃不出滋味....

in HIVE CN 中文社区5 years ago


前天是我的 #defi 初體驗,卻很白癡地根本不知道怎麼搞... 其實我是花了時間去研究的,只是這領域概念很難,連實作都不容易,至少我在沒有人帶領的情況下,真的是很難進入的市場...

[Defi門外漢] 亂點壽司🍣卻還不知道有沒有入口😟....

🤔SUSHI-ETH Pair 東摸摸西摸摸,我後來似乎是成功地提供流動性(add liquidity,這是這裡面很專業的術語呢~~~)了!但感謝好友 @nextgen622 在我上一篇文章的珍貴隻字片語指導,然後我在Uniswap上的

因為我終於看見我的 SUSHI-ETH UNI-V2 LP Tokens 了!!

然後一拿到這個據說是證明你在這個Sushi-Eth池子提供流動性的證明代幣之後,我就去嘗試把它鎖倉(stake)起來了,終於開始參與這個平台了~~~~ (好像啦,真的是做什麼都沒信心呢!~~~~😅)


這壽司🍣,總算是吃到一小口囉~~~~~~ (好像啦,真的是做什麼都沒信心呢!~~~~😅)


鎖倉之後,也可以unstake,賺到的Sushi也可以Harvest (類似我們的claim rewards),不過...

這些運行於以太坊上面的 #defi,就是非常非常地吃錢哪~~~~ 每個動作都要一筆不顯著為零,的手續費,例如...


$8.5 哪!!! 要命啊,這實在是太貴啦~~~~~😖 難怪上一篇文章留話的兩位朋友都說沒有個5 ETH, 10 ETH,還是別玩了....

唉呀~~~~ 原來這是有錢的遊戲,那怎麼割韭菜呢?難道這裡都是高級韭菜田,不割你一般的韭菜們?


https://defiprime.com/ https://defipulse.com/

最後難免會想到 Hive 跟這些有什麼關係... 其實都可以有關係的,推薦大家去看@cardboard的Blog,他自己寫,也會轉其他人的相關文章


就有提到怎麼去把Hive放到以太坊上去做wHive (打包的Hive),然後就可以開始在defi各種金融活動中也可以用上wHive,例如抵押、造市...(好像啦,真的是做什麼都沒信心呢!~~~~😅)




Well done bro. Just remember you’re in the most risky/profitable pool SUSHI/ETH, so make sure you keep an eye on the price of SUSHI. If it drops, it will eat into the ETH you supplied. Remember the 10x bonus is for 2 weeks, so towards the end of the 2 weeks you might see some volatility.

If it drops, it will eat into the ETH you supplied.

this I don't know...😱 any source you can give me explaining this?

Remember the 10x bonus is for 2 weeks, so towards the end of the 2 weeks you might see some volatility.

Thanks, indeed I need to keep an eye on it.

Have a look at this article. It’s something that’s called impermanent loss that happens on automated market makers for DEX like Uniswap. Actually I was wrong in my initial comment. It is a risk not just in the case if SUSHI goes down a lot, but also if it goes up a lot. But on the positive side, they are increasing the yield for the SUSHI/ETH pair soon, so you will receive more SUSHI harvest, and trading volume is huge, so you will receive more liquidity rewards. So the SUSHI rewards you receive from farming will outweigh the impermanent loss you may experience. The price of SUSHI has skyrocketed too, so each SUSHI you harvested is now worth a lot more.




咱吃真的壽司就好了嘛~~~~ 🍣


真的,哭哭~~~~ 有時候弄下去才發現進退維谷~~~~ 真的是資本夠才好上場玩啊😟

Lmao, I will create the same thing with French baguettes.

Hold my baguette

baguette.finance mmmm nice! why not!? 🤣

lmao xD imagine