I made Breton galettes this morning for breakfast but forgot to take pictures, so now I'm showing you some galettes I had before in France.
Galette is a term referring to various types of crusty cakes. Like Italians are particular about different types of pasta, French people are particular over the differences between a galette and a crepe. :)
I talked about sweet crêpes(crêpes de froment) in my previous posts - they are usually made with wheat flour with a sweet filling, while Breton galettes(galettes/crêpes de sarrasin) are made with buckwheat flour and have a savoury filling in most cases.
Interestingly, buckwheat is not related to wheat or other grains in any way, and it's a nutritious fruit seed. Since the batter doesn't have much taste itself, it could be matched with many types of savoury fillings. This morning, I put a fried egg with chives in the middle. As I love mushrooms, I often eat them with plenty of mushrooms and a bit of cream. Cheese and ham are also popular fillings. Sometimes I see people top it with tomatoes, fish, or meat.
The traditional natural flavored batter is made with buckwheat flour, water, and salt, but eggs and milk are usually added for an easier cooking life in the home kitchen. ;) According to this magazine I got in Morbihan, they also offer batter mixed with local cider or beer:
Traditional galettes in making at a food market in Brittany:
A triangle galette with the creamy mushroom filling I had in a small village in Brittany:
Once in Lille of northern France, I tried this galette called the Popeye, as it's filled with magical powerful spinach, haha... The one my friend ordered had nuts on top of ham and cheese.
图文 by Donica
All content by @itchyfeetdonica