
Thank you for letting us know that you are the true author of the content that you write and that you did not attempt to scam/defraud Hive by stealing the writings of other people and publish as your own.

We would like to quickly verify your account for authorship, so we can prevent the users from falsely reporting you again.
Could you please add the word "hive" in your author profiles on these websites so we can quickly add your verification to our database:

I will have a deeper understanding of the rules and there will be no more problems! I hope you can not turn my account into a blacklist. I will try to create better works!Hello, @Lillan / 33869c165f2b9 I already know the problem in this article and have updated it. Can @ spaminator not vote against it? Other articles are original.

We already explained the situation in Discord and gave you 30-day appeal.

Hello! I have posted an apology as requested by discord, can I ask @spaminator not to vote for me again? I will create posts as required in the future. I don’t understand the questions cited before, sorry! In the future, I will focus on original and better works.

The blacklist has been removed so there will be no micro-votes from the spaminator. Please make sure that all your content is original, including writing. The next blacklist could bepermanent. Thank you

Thank you very much. I will try to do better! The quoted part of this article has been modified to indicate the original address. Only one paragraph of this article quoted Baidu Baike, other posts and other posts were all written by myself, and all the photos were taken by myself. This website has nothing to do with me, please help to restore the account, thank you very much! Please