平安度過阿尔弗雷德飓风 I am safe from Cyclone Alfred

in HIVE CN 中文社区yesterday (edited)

大家好!寫這篇文章是想跟大家報個平安,這次阿尔弗雷德飓风 (Cyclone Alfred) 對我家造成的影響沒有太大,一切都還好。


我非常慶幸,阿尔弗雷德飓风在登陸後風速大幅減弱。當我上次寫給大家時,它仍然是一場 2 級飓风,這已經算是相當危險的,並且對黃金海岸沿岸的許多地區造成了影響。然而,之後它減弱為熱帶低氣壓,並向布里斯班以北移動,對布里斯班的影響降了許多。


Hi everyone! I’m writing to let you know that I am safe from Cyclone Alfred.

As I mentioned earlier, Cyclone Alfred was initially predicted to pass through Brisbane, where I live. Because of this, many people around me were very nervous and took extensive precautions to prepare for the cyclone. I also stayed indoors from Wednesday night until now (Saturday) without going outside.

I’m incredibly grateful that Cyclone Alfred lost much of its wind speed upon making landfall. When I last wrote to you, it was still a Category 2 cyclone, which is considered dangerous and had already affected several areas along the Gold Coast. However, since then, it has weakened into a tropical low and shifted further north of Brisbane, meaning the impact on the city has been minimal.

The experience reminded me a little of being at home during the COVID lockdowns. I haven’t even been to the gym, which is something I usually do every day or at least every other day. I’m still not entirely sure whether it’s safe to go right now, but I think I’ll give it a try since I’m not used to working out at home.



Glad to know that you are safe.
Best wishes for you my dear friend ❤️

it was overestimated by the media, thanks to God



Take care dear and be safe. Best regards


Great to hear your safe mate!
The winds have definitely picked up right now hitting up to 80klmh here in north Brisbane. Hopefully no power lines down during the night.






The media tries to amplify such things and I'm glad to know you are well

Reminds me of covid times too! how did you go with power and electricity I am hearing some have been without it for days