Today is my 40th birthday 今天是我40歲生日

in HIVE CN 中文社区2 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone. Today is my 40th birthday. I made a photo collage to represent some of the key events / personal achievements in my last decade.



First picture: I climbed to the top of Hua Shan, one of the steepest mountains in China. My grandpa grew up around here and Hua is also part of my Chinese name, so climbing to the top of this mountain represented me returning to my roots. I brought a stone back from the mountain to Taiwan to show my grandpa shortly before he passed away, so this photo means a lot to me. I also attended the world's largest dating show a few weeks before that, but I've talked about that many times before so I won't go into details.

圖一: 我在華山登頂。我的名字裡有一個華字,因為我外公在華山山腳下的華縣長大。我在華山買了一塊石頭回去給我外公,他很高興摸到故鄉的石頭,不久後他就去世了。這趟旅行對我來說意義很大。我在照這張照片前剛上過非誠勿擾,不過我已經講過太多次,就不再談了。


Second picture: This was taken at the Kangaroo Point cliffs in the middle of Brisbane city. I spent many days here climbing with my friends. Climbing is the most difficult activity I have ever had endured in my life, as I am not a light person and I have to carry my whole body weight to the top. I have learned a lot from climbing and have made many life long friends.

圖二: 在布里斯班市中心袋鼠角懸崖攀岩。近十年來我花了很多時間在這裡跟朋友一起攀岩。攀岩讓我學到很多東西,也讓我交到很多朋友。攀岩對我來說是十分困難的運動,因為我的身材不是很輕巧(90+公斤),所以能夠學會攀岩讓我十分驕傲。


Third Picture: This was taken as I performed Shaolin Kungfu as well as Praying Mantis Kung Fu on stage in the high school I taught at on Multictural Day. This was very special because I have always idolised Shaolin Monks due to their lifestyle and devotion to Buddhism and Kung Fu, so it was a tribute to them, as well as demonstrating the results of years of Kung Fu practice myself.

圖三: 在我教書的高中,我們有一個多元文化節,這一天我在台上表演少林功夫及螳螂拳。這對我來說很重要,因為我從小學功夫,特別崇拜少林武僧,能夠在澳洲表演並推展中國武術是我的榮幸。


Fourth Picture: At the school I taught at, each year there is a "So you think teachers can't dance" competition. It is similar to the TV show "So you think you can dance", but the students teach teachers the routine in a few weeks, and we have to perform on stage. I entered this competition for many years and also was a champion once due to my kung fu / swing dance background.

圖四: 在我教書的高中,每年都有一個專門為老師舉行的跳舞比賽,跟電視節目舞林大会一樣。雖然只有老師參加,但澳洲到處都有運動健將,想贏並不容易。我也贏過冠軍。你們可以看到圖中我幫另一個老師空中翻。要這種水準才能贏。


Fifth picture: Playing tennis with my dad. I have had many epic matches over the years with my dad and this was another game I played with my dad. You can see the beautiful blue sky and grass in the background. I am very lucky to have spent my twenties and thirties in Australia, where this is a very common scenery.

圖五: 跟爸爸打網球。大家可以看到網球場旁邊的大草原以及藍天。我很幸運在澳洲過了二十年。這種風景在澳洲到處可見。


Sixth picture: Performing swing dancing in the middle of Brisbane city. Swing dance is my absolute favourite dance - I love the music, the moves, the history. This was a very special performance as it was MacArthur day and we were dressed up in 20s costumes.

圖六: 在布里斯班市中心表演搖擺舞。我花了很多年學習這個舞蹈,因為我超喜歡這個舞蹈的音樂(20-40年代的爵士樂),舞步以及歷史。這是在麦克阿瑟紀念日表演的,很多人看,我也表現的不錯。

Seventh picture: Travelling in Europe. The way I travel is that I don't ever plan where I go. Every single day, I go where someone tells me to go the next day. I ended up in Lübeck, Germany on this particular day and I absolutely loved being here.

圖七: 在歐洲旅行。我的旅行方式就是完全沒有計畫的自由行。每天都是看當天認識的朋友要我隔天去哪裡,我就去哪裡。這一張照片是在德國的吕贝克照的,這裡有很多特殊的古老建築物,以及好吃的食物。


Eighth picture: This was a 5km race at the University of Queensland. It was the first time I ran 5km in under 30 minutes. I was very proud of my results after months of training.

圖八: 這是一場五公里的長跑比賽,在昆士蘭大學舉行。這是我第一次五公里跑低於三十分鐘。在好幾個月的訓練後,看到我的成果十分高興。

Thank you for reading - I'm glad to have shared a large part of my thirties with the Hive blog and look forward to sharing more stories with you in the future.


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Happy birthday to you, I wish you more success and happiness in life. It's a good thing you kept these photos, they are incredible really.

thank you very much!

You're welcome 😊.


Happy 40th birthday to you. You obviously have lived a very engaging lifestyle with no moment of dullness.

Do have a wonderful day and share with us how the Birthday activities are.

thank you so much!


哈哈 多謝!



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thank you!

Happy 40th birthday to you sure do look like a movie start in your Kung Fu outfit. I wish you many more years!

thank you! very kind of you!

Happy Birthday.
I wish you an amazing day

thanks so much




Happy 40th birthday 🎉🎉

thank you :)

Happy Birthday🎂 生辰快樂(≧∇≦)

Happy birthday to you @magicmonk more years in good health and happiness. I pray this shall be a begining of many good things in your garden.

Cheers to you new age 🥂

thank you very much!

You're welcome my friend. Best and prosperity in all your endeavors.

cool,happy birthday!

thank you very much!



Happy birthday, bro! You reached a major milestone hitting 40. I turn 30 in a few days on October 9th. A milestone for me as well, although I'm 10 years behind you.

thank you very much!



哇哦!帅气的钻石王老五噢!🤩🤩 祝福生日快乐🎂🎂🎂🥂🍻🍾💐💐💐🌺🌺🌺🥳🥳🥳🎈🎈🎈🎊🎊🎊🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇

Happy birthday bro

thank you very much!



Happy Birthday! welcome to the BIG 40. I just got here myself. Man you seem to do a lot of activities #fitAt40

thank you very much!

Happy 40th birthday! From reading this post, I think you are an amazing person. Hope you find someone as amazing as you.

thank you very much!

Happy birthday! I was also born in 1982!!

thank you very much!



Oh wow you have quite a lot of great experiences under your belt! Congratulations and happy birthday🥳

thank you very much!

wishing you a very happy birthday dear. wishing you good health, happiness and success. cheers

thank you very much!

Happy 40! I didn't know we were so close in age! You are however way way way (way way way) more in shape than I am :)


thank you very much!




Happy 40th Birthday to you Mr. Magicmonk.
Your achievements are inspiring, live definitely shouldn't only be bout making money money money and paying bills. Engaging in things we have interests in makes us really alive.

You are a strong man and 40 sure looks good on you. From all the photos of your accomplishments, I can tell that you are a very talented man with so much energy. I hope that you have fun on your birthday.

thank you very much!

生日快樂 sir.. You are only 40.. I wish you good health and longer years 😊..




Happy birthday, and let these activities be part of the next decade in your life too, and bring you a lot of joy!

thank you very much!

First and foremost happy 40th birthday to you @magicmonk I am really sorry for the loss of your grandpa and i am glad you were able to make to the mountain were he took you too when you were a boy and brought back a souvenir for him before he passed away he will be proud of you. You had a very nice time in your whole life i pray to have such fun before my 40's I am happy for you.

thank you very much!

You are welcome

Happy birthday!! Wish you have a more fruitful and energetic life ahead😄👏

thank you very much!

Happy birthday @magicmonk! Incredible that you traveled all the way back to your family roots where your grandpa grew up. That must’ve been surreal to physically be in the place of your ancestors. The rock climbing, shaolin kung fu, dancing, and running look like a lot of fun and very good exercise. Australia and Germany look beautiful!

thank you very much!

Happy Birthday friend. I wish you all the best in this new year.


thank you very much!

Happy Birthday. Very nice pictures and short stories around them. !PIZZA

thank you very much!


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thank you very much!

My brother, a big hug on your birthday. 40 years well enjoyed and all the years to come. Quite an athlete, an artist, a great video game player. A very versatile guy. Congratulations brother, have a great time.

thank you very much!

Happy birthday!

thank you very much!


Excelentes logros personales. Bienvenidos esos 40 y que continúen los éxitos. Saludos.

thank you very much!



Feliz Cumpleaños Bro. Muchas felcidades, éxitos y bendiciones.

thank you very much!

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