
친애하는 중국 블로거 여러분,

我一直很喜欢用相机拍照。 有时候,我的随机点击会比专业点击更漂亮。 今天我要随机点击一下。


我今天早上7点起床。 我正要去我家旁边的路去喝些早晨的新鲜空气。 我注意到周围有美丽的大自然。 我用相机点击了一张随机照片。

您也可以在这张照片中感受到自然的天气。 环境是阳光的照亮。 我的照片编辑器应用程序也可以产生一些效果。

这张照片是我的。 我用佳能60D DSLR相机单击它



Can you make a video introducing yourself where you speak Chinese for atleast 2 minutes?

I realise that a non-native but semi-fluent speaker of Chinese may have some obvious grammatical errors but fishing for votes by google translating is not going to fool anyone here.

By all means get your post translated and participate, but atleast show some efficacy with the language, above and beyond an automated translation job.