Passerby Stops A Runaway Car And Saves A Family’s Home

in HIVE CN 中文社区3 years ago (edited)

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The usual concept we have of a hero hardly ever overlaps with real life. Sometimes there are even those who behave heroically without having prepared for it, without planning it, and even by mere chance of being at the right time and place.

This is what happened in a neighborhood in a city in southern Brazil when a car with no driver spun out of control and began to roll downhill without brakes. Two men who were talking outside in a nearby house realized the situation.

At first, there was confusion about what was happening, they were not sure if there was indeed no driver in the vehicle. When they realized that the car was empty it had already picked up speed and was heading aggressively towards the wall of a house at the end of the street.

These two brave men in a matter of seconds decide to jump into action and throw themselves on the road to somehow try to stop the runaway car.

They run a few feet by the side of the car looking for a way to open it and stop it but they quickly realize that this will be impossible due to the high speed at which the car was moving so one of them had a better idea.

The man dressed in the jersey of a popular Brazilian soccer team notices that the car window is open and in full motion, he jumps through it.

With half of his body still hanging through the window of the driver’s seat door, he manages to stretch and with his hands press the brake pedal before an almost certain tragedy occurs when the car collides with the wall of the house. This anonymous hero probably saved an entire family.

The footage was captured by a security camera from another home and has gone viral on social media.

By DailyAmazingThings

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