Hi Everyone / 大家好,
The past fortnight I have had so much neck and back pain I haven’t been myself at all. I’ve been seeing the physio twice a week and have reduced the housework load as much as possible. The main coming from back to my neck then up to the head is from long sitting with bad posture in particular working from home full time since March. Apart from the massages I get from the physio, I have ordered a machine machine that mainly concentrates the neck and back from Amazon.
這兩個星期我的肩和頸部突然間好痛,不知道為什麼會這樣. 我一週看了物理治療兩次而且家務做少一些希望有點好轉. 最主要的同是從頸部到頭,應該是在家上班坐的姿勢不好. 除了看物理治療師我在 Amazon 買了一部專賣針對肩頸位置的按摩機.
Once again I love Amazon prime where postage is included to the price and delivery time is just a few days if the product is in Australia. Again lots of padding in the box especially this is a fragile item. For around $80, this machine is an alternative than paying the same price for a physio appointment. It’s mainly useful for shoulder and neck but can also be used around the waist, legs and belly area if required. My main aim for this machine is really the shoulder and neck.
有 Amazon Prime 真好,郵費免費而且寄來的時間好快. 這部機要 $80 澳幣,用這個價錢跟我去看物理治療師一次都是同價. 雖然這部機是專門為肩頸部位但其實可以用來做背,腳和肚的位置都可以.
It’s packed well and the design looks pretty simple which is enough, we don’t need anything fancy. It has a few settings on rotation, speed and heat. At the moment due to the condition I am in, I put it on the lowest heat setting and use all rotations. It runs for around 15-20mins each time so that is a nice guide to give yourself and the machine a rest. So far, it has helped a lot with my pain and can now sleep through the night without waking up or taking any pain killers. Great price and product. for something that can help my pain.
這部機的設計簡單,只要讓我不同就無所謂,多功能我都不會用. 我可以選轉速,快慢和熱量最基本的功能 . 每用一次大概是 15-20 分鐘之後就要讓你的肌肉和按摩機消息一下. 用了一個星期覺得肩頸部位鬆了好多,沒有頭痛希望多用幾個星期不用再出看物理治療.
animation by @catwomanteresa
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Oh from the picture on the box, you can use it on other parts of your body too. We are also considering something like this as we’ve also got sore shoulder and neck... from gaming 😅
oooo you can try our one next time to see if you like it first. Maybe get your other half not you haha. If you like it, we have Amazon prime so its free shipping we can send it to your place :)
tokens.I have the similar one just like yours which I bought when I was in Japan. My sister and my dad own the same ones as well. It’s really helping with my shoulder ache.
It is so funny I was just talking to my boss who bought another similar one from Amazon the other day that I don’t know how I can live if mine broke 😆
I hope it helps with your aches.
yah my mum gave me her one to use and it was from Ogawa but they don't have a branch here in Sydney anymore and they don't have the same model online so which is why we got this one for the time being.
fingers crossed we both don't need it that often from now on haha