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RE: Cops Trained to Fear Public - Making Threats as a Coercion Tactic

in Copwatchers2 years ago

When presented an opportunity to tell the cop to stfu, turn around, and pretend I am not here, I like to take it.
He said he was going over there, that was your opportunity to put him in his place, over there and stfu'd.
Concise is the term I'm looking for.
Any avoidable lengthening of the confrontation once they make a threat should be avoided, imo.
You have exposed the gun in the conversation, that is the goal.
Silence is your friend, at that point.
You are confronting an armed psychopath with impunity to kill you.
His rent payment is contingent on not understanding anything you explain to him.

Good job, though.
Glad to see you back at it, freedom lover.