As I thought it would be nice to introduce Hive at a Japanese tech book fair, I made a booklet for Hive onboarding. Unfortunately the booklet didn't pass the screening process. It seems it was regarded less tech related or as an advertisement.
Never mind. I put the pages here :)
ということでここに貼っておきます :) PDFもPPTはOpen Hive Chatの日本部屋に置いておきます。いずれも自由に使ってください。
Aww I'm sorry they didn't accept it, but thank you for sharing it here!
Thanks @phoenixwren & nice to see you again after a while on Hive 😊
How sad that you did all the work and didn't succeed - but now this might help Japanese Hiveans with onboarding others :)
Haha it's what my partner said to me. But I'm not super disappointed. Now rather I'm happy to make the data open and people can use it more flexibly to introduce Hive :)