It becomes my habit to do some hand craft or crypto research after my family goes to bed ... Yes, it's the most cool and silent productive time these days.
Today I am prototyping Origami Schultüte. Schultüte is a German word that means "school bag" when I translate it word by word. In reality it’s a small gift bag in a cone shape that is given to kids who enters elementary school.
Shultüte is everywhere in my city as elementary schools start in the end of the month.
My daughter and I want to make one for my friend’s son as we got a lot of clothes and toys recently. But unfortunately we couldn’t find an ideal one. So it’s time to make one by ourselves 😁
I, as a designer (one of my jobs) think about making something with a bit of Japanese twist. Then I came up with Origami Schültüte. I made few prototypes with copy paper. The final one isn't too bad.
I'll make the pattern digital and the final one with craft paper. My daughter will do deco on it. Then we go for shopping in the weekend to find a small gift to stuff it.
If it works well, I may sell some at my market stand in the really last minutes on 29 August.
When I went to school, a Schultüte had to be bought - having a home-made one meant you were poor. How the times changed ;) (definitely for the better)
Edit: Ooops - wrong account! But you know who I am :)
😁 I know who you are!