Because we just came from Steem to Hive, I want to make some effort to connect with the Japanese community and make them feel welcome. Once in a while I'll make a bilingual post. In order to make sure the Japanese readers understand, my Japanese will probably be a lot simpler than my English for now.
皆SteemからHiveに来たばかりですから日本人とつながりたいなあと思ってます。ですからたまにバイリンガルのポストもします! 皆理解できるように日本語は英語より簡単にします
Tokyo has finally declared a "state of emergency"...still, it seems not much has changed outside. I can see many people outside my window, but my life has changed considerably. My school shut down and since I'm freelance, I am not receiving any pay. That means I need to do my best and find more private students.
東京はやっと緊急の状態になった。。。と言われたけど、そとはあまり変わらない感じします。窓から人がたくさん見えますけど、それでも自分の生活は結構変わりました。英会話はしまってきて、フリーランスだから給料もなくなりました。 ネットで自分の生徒を増やすしかない。
I'm not worried. It will all work out (or it won't). I've been through all kinds of stuff before so this isn't so scary. I'm taking this as a chance to level up. I'm practicing a lot of guitar...getting pretty good!
そんなに心配してはしない。なんとかなる! いろいろ大変なことを乗り換えてきましたから、怖くない。逆にこれはレベルアップするチャンスだと思ってます。ギターをめっちゃ弾いてます!すごい上達してます。
I'm studying lots of Japanese. I never was a big fan of anime or manga but I watched a little bit, mostly for practice. Now I have a lot of time so I'm reading and watching a lot more. I put all the new words into an Excel file and review it later.
I bought a lot of Hive. I want to have a positive impact on the community so I'm inviting all my friends (making the community the selling point and the monetary aspect a bonus), making new friends, and I really want to connect with some of the Japanese people here.
HIVEいっぱい買った!やった!今回もっといい影響をするようにがんばってて、友達と生徒を誘って、コンテストをして、新しい友達ができるようにがんばってます! 日本人の友達もできたいと思ってます。
Cooking....well....I'm cooking....I didn't know you have to put salt in the water when you cook pasta, or that you put water in the pan to cook sunny side up eggs. When I'm tired of eating mistakes, I cook some Indonesian noodles with my own stir fry on top. I don't like instant noodles much but instant Mi Goreng is amazing!
料理も。。。がんばってますけど。。。まあ、がんばってます! パスタを作る時水に塩を入れるなんて知らなかった!目玉焼きは水をパンに入れる!? 知らなかった! 失敗しすぎると、次の日インドネシアのインスタントミーゴレンお自分の作った適当な炒めものを混ぜて適当においしい。インスタントヌードルはあまり食べないけど、ミーゴレンやばいですからね。
My novel....will happen. It's just my 3rd day so I have time. It's about 40% finished. Sorry Japanese friends, it's in English.
Ah yeah, because of Corona, people are feeling a lot of stress, so if you want to talk, come find me on discord. I will try to cheer you up!
Nice to meet everyone in the Japanese community. Good luck at Hive and let's stay in touch.
You use a lot of です in your writing. From my manga experience... those things don't use です at all. (mostly) (unless the character is a stickler for complete sentences)
日本人 students are like everywhere over there. So, i am sure you will find some, if you look.
What will you do when you are a HIVE millionaire?
Look who came over! Awesome!
I hate using desu and Masu but the reality is, that's how people talk when they tak to strangers and I'm not very well acquainted with any of the Japanese users, we just occasionally upvote each other.
Look at their posts and youll see what I'm talking about. I don't use these forms in person much because I don't conduct business in Japanese and I hang out with alcoholics, but it is still common, even among some of my alcoholic friends. People don't talk like they talk on manga unless they are with their busy buddies. I try to make everyone my buddy but it takes time!
Oh I love this. So cool to see you writing Japanese.
Now I have a huge craving for mee goreng.
Ya I speak Japanese pretty ok, it's just hard to concentrate on big blocks of text. I'd make a video in Japanese except there are only a few Japanese users. They've stuck together thanks for 3 or 4 people it seems.
ユーツー!^_^ 小説のために集中しないと。。。
Mie seedap is rated 3/5 for me. Awful. Indomie is better 😆
Can't really choose unless I buy online which I never do. It's all pretty good for someone who can't eat fresh migoreng often! Thanks for telling me though
I wonder if there's Korean Noodle. They are far better than Mie Seedap 😀
最初は痛いけどすぐ痛くなくなる! A minor, E minorから pentatonic scaleの一番簡単なフォームできればもうJamできるよ!
I must be learning as I can read some of that. Think it will be a while before I can read sentences though XD
I prefer the instant noodle soups to the instand migoreng XD
I like multilingual posts :)
I'm happy to make multilingual posts but they take so much more concentration. I don't bother to translate, it takes 3x longer, I just summarize.
Always free to practice with me! Or if you want a real lesson let me know!
It'll be very interesting!
So cool to see you writing in Japanese. I studied it for a semester in college, but got sick the second week of school, missed 2 weeks of classes, and never was able to get caught up in that particular class. I'm glad you're doing a more serious self-isolation than some you see around you. Take care.
I'm still hoping to find a snippet of your music for the intro/outro to the next HIVE video tutorial lesson (coming in a couple days). I did one from @ELAmental on the last one (Shift the Power). It's just a few seconds. Any thoughts?
Also, someone is making a Spanish language transcript for all 4 videos. Would be so cool if you could organize someone doing a Japanese transcript also! But I know most Japanese people probably understand English well enough to just listen to the audio with the video.
This is really amazing that you are living and studying in Japan @whatamidoing I wondered how it might be over there during this 'crisis'. I've friends in UK and actually would have normally been there when this crisis started, but plans changed this Winter and oddly enough, what was meant to be annoyance (in not getting to go) turned out to be a blessing, as I'd not want to deal with the airports in the beginning of this.
Well, I just found you, can't remember which blog, but I'll be checking in.