What if this part was not included?

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Waking up this morning, I felt very indifferent. It is not as if I have not been having this feeling before but this morning was just highly different.

Have you ever thought of why you have to work even when you don't feel like?

Maybe the question should be, have you ever feel like not working but you just have to work?

If you've never feel like this then you need to be checked because no matter what, even if what you're doing is your passion, there will be a day when you will not feel like doing it. At that time, you are not doing it because it is your passion, you are doing it because it is a matter of survival or maybe a need for consistency.

Now come to think of those that do 9-5 jobs?

Mine is not even 9-5 nor 8-4. It is 8-whenever you close but not earlier than 5pm.

There is no regret whatsoever and this is not a rant but as I woke up this morning feeling like sleeping but deep inside me, I know that is not possible because man must survive. The next thing that comes to my mind is what if this part was not included? 🤔🤔🤔

Screenshot of Genesis 3 vs 19 from Youversion Bible App.

Brief rundown

This Bible passage is an extract of the fall of man and the consequences for the fall.

I was just thinking maybe it's random thought but what if this part where man will have to work before eating was not included, you and I would have been living off exceeding grace.

From another perspective, there won't be anything called economy because it is the interaction between everyone in the ecosystem that forms what we call economy.

If there is no economy, then there won't be something to be called centralized economy.

If there is no centralized economy, then there won't be any need for blockchain technology because blockchain technology came into existence due to a need to break centralized economy into a decentralized economy.

If there is no blockchain technology, I will not have the opportunity to be writing this and truth be told, there won't be anything called Hive.

After thinking it through and connecting the dot, I am more grateful than ever before because seeing another day is a privilege and an indication that my dreem will be fulfilled one day right before my eyes.

What do you think if that part of the consequences for the fall of man was not included?

Till I cross your path again, I am like a ready made pen in the hand of the creator. I am


Getting up each day and working it out is testing but that is what makes us... Not only daily bread, it makes us what it talks about

Yeah, it is a process through which we must undergo daily because without it, we are nothing.

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I really appreciate.

Omo, I woke up today and I didn't feel like doing anything.... Guess what? It's today that I did a bulk of work and even out of the way to visit my girlfriend.

She was happy, we prepared food together, had fun, I just got home, and after having my bath, I got on bed, went to dreemport (this is how I found your post) and now the rest of the day will be filled with Hive.

Work makes us feel alive, we can't deny it, but, most times, we feel like not doing anything and I don't think it's bad to think this way .. after all, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Sincerely it is a problem not to feel like this but managing the situation is key.

And the truth is those days when we feel like not doing anything happens to be the most productive days of our life.

This is my welcome posts. I hope to stay consistent for a while.

Some nice thought-provoking stuff here to digest A21... and so you come full circle but if Hive can help to feed your passions as well as your belly then perhaps life is not so bad after all. I read this in Dreemport this evening.


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Nice write up

What would you do if you didn't work? I bet if you didn't have to go to work, it wouldn't be long before you found something work-like to do.

This is absolutely true.

Whatever work like that we will be engaged with might not add any value to us or pay our bills but because we did not have anything called work. It becomes our work.