Basic Life Principles

in Speak Peace3 years ago (edited)


... but she didn't want to jump!!!
Good morning dear colleagues. It is a glorious day today...
I was opportuned to go to the farm very early in the morning today and I really enjoyed every moment therein!

There is a seasonal stream at the posterior part of the farm with a farm house at the anterior part, as many of the residents at that part of the city walk through the seasonal stream to link a public primary school and a public health center built by the community.

When all was done at the farm, we decided to take a walk through the posterior side to catch the glimpse of the school and health center.

As a man, I made the #first move to #jump the stream as I didn't want to remove my shoe. Other people with me did #jump too as a lady in the team was #timid and very frightened to jump.

We shouted on her. In fact we didn't want to wait for her any longer. She didn't want to remove her shoe as she was afraid to jump.

Long story cut, we were there to give her a helping hand to receive her, so as not to "#dash her foot against the stones" and after much ado, she did jump!!!
Guess what she said?

"I never believed I can jummmmmmp"🤸‍♀🕺🕺🙌👍

Dear, I am sure you are also afraid to jump no wonder you remain in that same spot wailing and crying all day.

Everyone, including your #spouse, siblings, friends etc had shouted on top of their voices to cause you to see the reason(s) for a paragdm shift and an intentional leap in your #career, business, #relationship and #family.

Do you think they hated you?
No wonder your actions and reactions to them all are hostile and unfriendly...
There are some #trailblazers, #dynamic #business #men and #women, upwardly mobile individuals etc who aren't satisfied seeing people not responding to every stimulus around them except they change for the next levels!

Sweetheart, there are many benefits you can derive if you can leap for that #height, #level and #depth!

¶#Lean on that #springboard where you are for a #helpmeet.

¶Hear the clarion call for that change of lifestyle...

¶Mute all sounds of compromise, unprofessionalism, gossips, childlike behaviour, me-mine-and-myself mentality, archaic mindset, local champion attitude, etc singing into your eardrum in large decibel.
You should be able to create your desired world, leaping forward!!!

¶You are not meant to be where you are dude, obey some laws and exhibit the characteristics of living organisms.

¶Check the lane you are in...

¶Take a peep at your side mirror...

¶Critically use your inner mirror...

¶Look at the front and see the brake lights of those who had heeded the call for a leap...

At last, the lady jumped and from there, she believed in herself that she can do it...

Howbeit, a caveat, ... look before you leap!!!
If for a right course, it is a right jump!

Till I come your way again... Are you also ready for a #jump? But if for #Notice-me course (lifestyle), it may be a great fall.