what I'm I proud of?.Good day hivers, it's been a while here very sure you are having a nice and cool weather. I was searching for contest in different community to see the one I could participate in. Yeap 🤩😅 I found it #hivenaijaweekly contest, this week question is very interesting though
Yes there are people outside there that boast of the what they have, some will boast of their wealth and while some of them their education. Then I sat down that what can I even boast of and be proud of. We are all on a journey, everyone of us, but the way we take this journey is all different. That journey is called life, this is only the journey that everyone one of us are facing. I love the woman I'm becoming in this life I am.
I'm proud of;
- The family God gave me
I will say this if I should think of it this moment, I will say my family is the first thing I'm proud of. Everyday I'm always grateful for the family God gave me, is it my parents or siblings?. I'm very proud of them.
- The lady I'm becoming
The lady I'm becoming, I'm not trying to depend on my parents wealth or materials that they have achieved, I am also trying to have mine and say that yes this is mine.
- How I survived a lot of things in times of up and down.
Most times, there will always be challenges. I'm proud of how I have survived to make sure I never relent or go down no matter what life faces at me.
- The way I learn a lot and grew from my mistakes.
Life will teach you negatively and also positively, I'm proud because despite where I have gone wrong I'm trying to adjust and not to ever try that mistake again.
- How I helped others each time I can.
Normally, my mom will say "helping is good, do it". Everytime I have a little time I tried to give out of it.
- How I keep making people smile.
I'm a type of person that from the very start of my life, I don't like to smile I frown my face everytime. If I'm annoyed or I'm annoyed, but I'm proud of it now that when ever I smile, people also are happy I'm smiling and happy. People even said my smile are always contagious, I'm proud of this because I'm now better than my past.
- My unique talents and skills.
The only competition you have in this life and who you can compete with is your past, you should find out that you are improving. I found out that I'm improving more than last year in skills and my talents, I have even discover some of it all thanks to hive.
- My strong friendships and relationships you've built.
I'm very proud of this and I will always say it everywhere I go. I'm proud of the friends I have, also proud of my maturity during this years of friendship.
- To be on hive
This is the very last thing I can say for now that I'm proud of, I very proud to meet new friends and also experiencing this wonderful love from you all.
All pictures are mine
Thanks for reading 🥰
. Cheers😊Beautiful one @blezedoh im in love with all of your features and I'm proud of them too
Thank you 💖 @protokkol
Anytime 🙂
Hmmm...Self pride ..you are amazing...it takes a lot of courage to love, accept and be proud of one's self...I'm happy for you as Well as proud of you.
P.s. you are beautiful 😊
Yes ooo
Thanks so much 😍🥰 and also for stopping by
I'm sure your parents and everybody around you will be proud of you too
Keep being you
Thank you 💖🥰 @prechidi
Your welcome