What Would You Do Differently For Your Kids??

in Speak Peace2 years ago

Upbringing really matters in taking care of a child and talking about upbringing it should be a good upbringing. Even the Bible say 'train up a child in the way he should grow and when he grow he will never depart from it Proverb 22:6'. Even the Bible also agrees with training up and child in a Godly way.

I was given some questions that i will like to answer:

What will I do differently for my kids??
  • Teach them the word of God
    Training a child in a Godly way is my first priority, I will always allow them to read the word of God everytime. I will always teach them to know a Bible text everytime they read.

  • Teach them how to pray
    Prayer is the key, prayer is the master key for a Christian. I will remind them that they should always pray in bad and good times. They shouldn't wait for when challenges come before they go down on their knees to pray.

  • Teach them how to give
    I will teach them how to consider others, how to give, care and love.

  • Give them attention
    Giving them attention is also good in training up kids. I and my kids will be best of friend, I will always tell them not to keep secret from me and I will always gist them about work and other things.

Alot of people talk about not exposing their kids to the internet until they're teenagers, while others think exposure to the internet might not be so bad if it's properly monitored, what do you think?

Internet is very good and bad in this era we are in now. We are in the internet world and stopping a child from internet might be really difficult. For example some schools allow phones, laptops and so on now saying my kid should not be exposed to it, I will look like a cruel and wicked mother to such kid. All I just have to do as a parent is that I should be very careful, observant and also allow them to understand the stuffs that are on internet (the good and bad side).

Do you think kids these days are wired differently or do you think we're overthinking their capabilities and not handling them with the kind of hard hand our parents handled us with?

Yes, because even the way our parent train us is quite different from the way they are also trained. Discipline matters in upbringing for a child, beating will no longer work for these children of nowadays. In this coming world, if at all all we should do is beat it won't solve the matter, will should always allow them to know the dos and don't.

Keeping fear on a kid will also be my priority because beating them always they will get addicted to it and it won't be a big deal to them again. Beating is good, but it can't really change a child instead such kid I will get spoilt. Normally I will beat my child but I will make them understand the repercussion of their doings.

This is my view on the contest for #Hive naija prompt.Thanks for reading, still your girl Bhlezedoh. If you like this content, don't forget to support me and leave a comment below. Thank you so much, I love you ❤️


Madam @blezedoh I like the fact that you made the word of God paramount and topmost. Good!
Also, it is okay to show them the good side and the bad side later on but not till when they are old....and parents should educate them in the usage and economic importance.

Yes exactly, thanks for passing by 🥰

Every child is done justice when we introduce them to the major source of all life...

Hmmm.....yes I agree with you
Thanks for stopping by