Happy Independence: Nigeria @62

in Speak Peace2 years ago

Nigeria is 62 years old today. A country once known as the giant of Africa, a land once flowing with milk and honey, a land with her blood running in my veins. It's easier to look at the current failing system, rant about the insecurities, and the poor economy but I wouldn't, I'll focus on the benefits we enjoy as a country, the victory we won over slavery, the fact that Nigeria remains a country where I'm considered as a FirstClass citizen , and our unique culture.

Black is beautiful, our diverse culture is unique. We are strong, we are survivors . Our land is blessed with fertile lands, and we strive in any weather. Nigeria is blessed with mineral resources and has groomed men with high intelligent quotient. Things might not really work as our imaginary fairy tales but living in Nigeria makes you a survival. When it comes to morals, oh! God bless our mothers in the 80s and 90s, We were brought up in the African way, respectful, polite, and teachable. We enjoyed the nights we sat under the moonlight and listened to folktales, the Africa games that groomed us to solve puzzles and master targets. It is fun growing up in a comic nation, where you cry and laugh at the same time.

photo source

But all the good tidings about our dear nation were in the past. The system has failed, corruption and greed has eaten the hearts of her leaders and all that's left is a skeleton of hers. The green and fertile land had become infertile, proper parenting is difficult nowadays, no more tales in moonlight , the youths are no concern of the government and everything we enjoyed is crumbling. Nevertheless,. I still believe in Nigeria, I believe someday it will be a great nation where people would troop in to taste its flowing milk. Everything may seem to crumble but again it will rise and once more we will enjoy our motherland.

The people and government have failed our dear nation. Me and you are responsible for the present Nigeria. If we can work together as a nation, naija will be better and stronger.


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The achievement in this regime is individual, not as a country. It's possible this government taught you to work hard, hahaha

Yay! 🤗
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The system has failed indeed in our dear Country but what can we do than hope for the very Best 🙏 with the Forthcoming Elections .

We can only hope that things get better

Indeed 🙏