The voice against social vices in Nigeria- (What is your stance on this issues.) Art. 1

in Speak Peace3 years ago (edited)



Has anyone predicted the alarming increased state of the social vices in our country today ?

Did you think that the way some of this social vices are paraded, our youths have headway in the creation of a sane society in the next decades to come ?

My regards to all the members of this community, it's my pleasure to be here with my people, indeed #hive social blog is one of the best thing that has happened to us on blockchain technology.
I thank the founder and the admins of this very community for seeing it very necessary to have a community where we discuss issues that affects us (Nigerians) as a people.

Today l will like to present to you this issue of social vices which already has a damage in the lives of the youth mainly, and a potential doom to the entire nation.
Yes, Social vices if not well checked by collaborative effort from the government to it bodies, non governmental bodies, down to our private families and individuals, has the potential of bringing this nation to a point of hard to repair

In this very thread of my articles on "The voice against social vices in Nigeria," I will give a list on the vices which threatens the future of our youths, I will focus more on this paraded social vices which have added a detrimental effects on our society today, who's is to be blamed for the state of things we see today?,
highlight on possible solutions to our problems.
More so I will leave a room for the audience to add their opinions on this matter.

In my own opinion and definition, I would say that Vice is a habitual act of doing wrong or evil.
On the other hand, I would also say on the contrary, that a Virtue is a habitual act of doing good

From the above, I present the clear context of this article while giving you a clear opposite definition of our discussion.
Like I said earlier I'm not focusing much on the vices which everyone know and have seen in our everyday life, which may include Dishonesty, greed, lust, disobedience etc.
No !, I'm pointing at the ones I may have categorized as Social Vices, surprisingly, majority of them are becoming a social norms amongst our youths and even to some of our parents, hmmm.

Have you heard about cultism and thuggery, exam malpractice, lack of interest in education (slogan: school na scam), prostitution, rape drug abuse and addiction, rubbery and vandalism, addiction to betting, cyber crimes and internet frauds (Yahoo Yahoo), excessive love and quick money appetite, corruption and money laundering etc

Okay, I Know some of you will be wondering why I included some of the above mentioned and why I grouped it as a social vice.
If you've checked well most of this things I mentioned here is having a trend on our social media and internet, where many of the perpetrators are hailed and praised

Can you imagine how many of our youths have lose focus and interest in education, everyone now is money oriented, quick money is now the order of the day. Imagine the future of this country in the near future ?
Our future leaders are this Yahoo boys carrying themselves up and down in the society ?.

Education is power they say,

Do you know that half education is worse than illiteracy ??
Where is our headway with malpractices in our educational system, sorting and illegal maneuver of the due processes in our educational system.
Everyone is now conscious about the certificate not minding the supposed acquired knowledge and experience.

Do you know that cultism has greater tendency of rendering the youths useless, damaged etc than any other factors you can think of.
Cultism renders our youths school dropouts, alcohol and drug addicts, increase other social vices like vandalism (both pipe line, private and public property vandalism including electric appliances in the society), enhances conflicts and the destruction of lives and properties

Prostitution and indecent dressing, this is another one of it kind rooted mainly towards Young women, the lack of respect to their own body parts, constituting nuisance in the society all in the name of cheap gains and momentary pleasure.
All this constitutes to breeding laziness amongst our female youths, time, manpower and human resources are now wasted on things that has no positive impact to add in the society.

Excessive love of money, quick money appetite syndrome, corruption and money laundering is no more seen among our youths alone, now politicians took the lead in money laundering, our pastors and clergymen, top official in government and non governmental organizations, every body now is more money conscious than any thing else, forgetting the true essence of the status they're representing, forgetting that there's more to life than money.
All this act end up in breeding bribery and corruption, lawless society (anarchy), rubbery, kidnapping and thuggery etc in the society.

From the above, I try to highlight as precise as possible, the detrimental effects of this social vices in our society today, you can see that most of all this I mentioned most atimes is not carried out by a single person alone, it most likely requires collaborative effort of few persons to achieve or make it work out,
Coupled with the adoption of this deviant lifestyles by many individuals (this is why I called it social vices).

To some, they do it as a way for livelihood, for Money, pleasure while some others do it out of ignorance, purposefully, peer pressure etc
This bring us to the following questions;

Who's to be blamed ??
The government ?
The society ?
Families (for bad parenting)?
Individuals ?

Many people will tell you that the government is to be blamed (they have failed the masses), others will tell you the masses should be blamed for the condition of our society today.
But truth be told, no party is to be blamed, either the government or the individuals, rather all the parties are to be blamed, reason being that, the problem started from the root.
I know someone will be point at the family histories and bad parenting, ok that's cool, include religion too.

That's a great gesture, but the truth is that the tendency of good family system, upbringing and religion to impact positively in the society is very limited in a failed system, a society where the government has failed, a system where the actions of the government, non governmental organizations, families and individuals in the society can not compensate each other

In a situation where the parents hustle everyday to meet up with there financial needs, to take care of the family's financial needs having litter-to-no time for the children,
In a situation where many a paid less than they work,
In a situation where the price of goods and services keep increasing day after day and there have been no measure to checkmate inflation,
In a situation where there's less money in circulation, hardship and hunger keep dealing with many individuals while few individuals and politicians pile up the money in their custody mainly in other country's bank funding projects in other countries, where there's no job for our youths, peanuts are being paid to few of the works available here.
Who's to be blamed for our predicaments ??

It's unfortunate for us though, that things are worsening day after another.
Often times, blame games can't solve any problem, even if we blame everyone from now till tomorrow, we still can't arrive to any solution to our problems.
This days many people out there are looking for solution6 to most of the problems surrounding our society.

How can we cub this social vices,
How can we improve the morals and ethics every cultural setting should have?
How can we raise the standard of living and reduce the pressure poverty has exerted on the whole nation ??

What's your opinion on this issues, I know it concerns me and has been giving me much thoughts, I also know that it concerns you, because it concerns the entire nation, nobody is free, so don't hesitate.
I will love to hear your opinion.

As the thread continues on this topic, I plead we make it an interactive one.
Our voices can't be heard, we can change the perception !.

        My regards...
        Original content.