Good day my Good people, today I was just considering some situations around me here and I am motivated to write this small acticle about relationships.
A lots of people are into relationship today without any definite reason, the relationship am talking about did not just base on inter-sex relationship alone but also cut across other sections of life, like friendship, marriage, business relation and even spiritual relationship. I will start by giving definition to what is an ideal relationship!
A relationship can be define as a form of mutual connection that exists between two individuals or group for certain reasons or benefits. Then
What is an ideal Relationship?
An ideal relationship according to the above definition can be seen as a relationship in which stands to benefits the two parties involved, in other words, the two individuals in a relationship stand to benefits from the relationship.
But today we have a lot of relationship which are just meaningless because the parties involved has nothing to benefits. The relationship just exists for the fun of it, you need to stop this kind of relationship this year.
Another time of relationship is a slavery relationship on one sided relationship this relationship are tag slavery because it's stands to only favour on party or group at the expense it the other party or group. All the benefits of the relationship belong to one side, this is the most dangerous relationship for finance, it kills business, even in among men and women this kind of relationship can not lead to happy home, if you notice this in your relationship please put an end to it today. You must not continue to be a slave to those people who call you friends for their own selfish interest.