The Pros and Cons of Immigrating

in Speak Peace3 years ago (edited)

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The Nigerian system is very broken that an average Nigerian presented with the offer to relocate may not think twice about it. One of the easiest ways to lose your money in Nigeria is through Immigration agencies, that think they are the Visa issuing embassies. (LOL). I was once an Immigrate and have had my fair share of experience based on immigrating.

First question is why are you Immigrating? That’s an easy answer for Nigerian. Some say the government is bad, others say they want a better life and a few others haven’t found a purpose for their existence and that comes down to the broken system not having a plan for the future generation.

The Pros

Immigration has it’s up sides if done the right way. What is the right way? Having legal standing to be in a country, allows you most/all of the benefits a citizen enjoys. E.g Employment, Credit facilities e.t.c.

We also get to create a better future for ourselves and kids, learn new cultures and break the tribal and religious barrier which are the biggest problems in Nigeria. Basic amenities are enjoyed as well. Teaches you to live in a orderly/lawful manner, something an average Nigerian isn’t used to doing. Teaches us integrity and honesty if we are willingly to concur with the set way of life. P.S : This applies mostly for developed counties and developing countries.

There’s a sense of security as well, considering the lack of security we are facing currently in Nigeria (This is subjective based on your location, either home or away). At least you have got job security because the labor force works properly, which means you can’t be fired without probable cause, unlike in Nigeria, where you are fired based on how your boss is feeling on the day.(LOL).

The Cons

Based on personal experience and people’s experience over the years I can share a few disadvantages especially if you are living illegally.

Firstly, a lot of Nigerian immigrate in a deceptive manner visiting the country on holidays. (This is why is has become very difficult to even get a tourist visa now, even with complete genuine documents).

On arrival for their “Visit/Holiday” they decide to exceed the validation of stay period, which was the initial intention and automatically become Illegal immigrants. NOW running from the law, and nobody employs illegals, even if you get employment you will be paid pennies under dollars.

Survival become a problem, a lot are forced to sex-trafficking to find ends meet, drug peddling on the corner blocks. Etc . They will live a life without purpose and bearing until they can get out of the hole. Most likely by deceiving to love a citizen and only use them for the wrong reason, out of share desperation and selfishness.

Now you are living legally, there are still challenges that an average Nigerian faces. However, based on the tough mindset we have built over time, we always survive through them. Challenges like having to work 2-3 jobs to achieve the lifestyle and comfort our beloved country couldn’t offer. Facing racial discrimination. But this are just water under the bridge for a typical Nigerian.


Personally, I will Immigrate if offered a job overseas because of a proper working system, however I will not go and start hiding from the law and living like a dog in another man’s country(Modern day slavery, I like to call it.) .

My advice is before making that decision, weigh your pros and cons, alot of our citizens made the wrong move and a lot died on the way to so called “Good life”. Do it the right way.

Peace out..xoxoxo


I will Immigrate if offered a job overseas because of a proper working system, however I will not go and start hiding from the law and living like a dog in another man’s country(Modern day slavery, I like to call it.) .

I admire this thought process because a lot of people believe in faking it till they make it or going through illegal routes just to japa and some of them even risk losing their lives or actually lose it. There is honour in doing things the right way.

Thank you for sharing 😊 @jaygaga

Very well said, and I concur a 100%. 👌👌