in Speak Peace3 years ago

I'm the type of person who's very observant and I take little things seriously, don't get me wrong anyways. All I mean is that little things which may not matter to some of you matters the most to me and that's just the way I am,that's me for you. So while I dress up, I try never to forget certain things even if I'm in so much hurry and the major key to this is being prepared. Getting my wears and accessories ready and together helps me to dress quickly and not forget any especially my glasses cause whenever I do, then my day is totally ruined.


I know many ladies pay attention to their face, makeup etc but what I pay great attention to before I go anywhere is my hair and feet. I believe my hair is my pride so I when I dress up, I stare at the mirror to make sure my wig is in place and neatly kept. As for my feet, I take very good care of it cause mehn,those cuties takes me to great places.I also believe the kind of foot wears I put on says a lot about me and that's the reason I take great care of my foot wears and try to wear each of them to suit the occasion.

There are somethings we fail to do which should actually be a habit but many people neglect them and this is wrong. While you try to dress well and take all your jewelry and accessories along you should remember to take some of this along to make your dressing complete:

  • DEODORANTS: Deodorants are body sprays and perfume which you can use to smell good and better. As a lady, a man's aura is one of the things that attracts me to him cause I love people who don't only look good but smell nice too. Body odour is a huge turn off for many and I understand many sweat a lot and the odour gets accumulated due to so much perspiration. The problem we are facing in this country today is too much already, don't add to it by choking the person seated next to you in a bus. To prevent this use at least a roll on after each bath, they are one of the most affordable deodorants and a "must have" for everyone. It goes a long way to help you stay fresh and not stink when you sweat.

  • HANDKERCHIEF: This applies to everyone of us here cause it's very very importan. The use of handkerchief should be a habit as you need it for virtually everything when you're out even in the house. Some people say they keep loosing and misplacing them but I don't think you're serious, if not what is of good use to you shouldn't be misplaced always. I've made this a habit cause I've always had many allergies based on the things I perceive like smoke, dust, pepper, etc so I tend to sneeze uncontrollably when I inhale things like that. So while I step out, my handky or face towel helps me to stay hygienic. Coughing into your bare palms, sneezing, dabbing your eyes, nose etc with your fingers is a bad habit as you could carry dirts and germs to those areas so it helps a lot.


  • WEAR A SMILE: Imagine seeing a very beautiful lady that always frowns, yeah you may be in a bad mood and prolly be having a bad day but does this occur daily? Why then do you get your face all squeezed up always like overnight beans? Any guy who sees you wouldn't even know how to approach you as your face is going to always be a turn off and doesn't give him the "Go ahead" signal. Everyone loves whoever that appears cheerful so why not wear a smile today? We are all going through a lot no doubt, but thanks to God we don't look like what we've been through.Your smile is your magic,so smile on cause someone out there loves you just because of that.

Wondering why I wrote this? Well I choose this particular topic cause it's one of the little things people ignore but matters most to me, and my latest encounter with people gave me the inspiration to write this. So I decided to bring to our notice these little things that matter so we could learn to do them and gradually it would become part of us all.

All images are mine and shot with my device.
Thank you for reading this far.


Nice writeup, a lady should always look good and attractive. You are really beautiful I must confess 😍🥰

Thank you so much, I appreciate