Tears Ina Mi Eye As My Nation Crumbles(Original poetry Pidgin English))

in Speak Peace5 years ago (edited)

This poetry is a reaction to my most recent experience and attempt at sharing my pain, not just me but many around here. This poetry best explains my emotions concerning our present situation as a Nigerian youth. Please enjoy


Tears INA mi eye
My brothers dey die
My sisters dey cry

Tears INA mi eye
They steal our youths
They kill our dreams
They murder our talents
Right before our eyes

Tears INA mi eye
My brothers dey die
My sisters dey cry
The good are wailing
The bad are cheering
And yet we are looking

Tears INA mi eye
Today its war against men
Tomorrow its a war against virus
Who will help us?
Tears INA mi eye
Our hearts are filled with broken emotions
Our mouths are full with unspoken notions
What is this generation?

Tears INA mi eye
My brothers dey die
My sisters dey cry

They say no woman no cry, I say no human no cry....

Tears INA mi eye.

Thanks for reading,

I thought a lot about what to write for this session, I couldn't take part in the last because it had to do with what I liked about my country, honest truth is my country has taken so much from me and my future, its hard to say positive considering the state of things within, I know I'm all supposed to be positive and shit but fuck it, i could not be Im sorry.

Everyday here is a sorry day....today I had a funny experience, I planned to go to the bank today for some important transaction, trust me, I hate banks, I hate our organisation system, anyway, I knew covid was going to be making them act some way, so I made a tweet asking if anybody had any experience I could learn from, the only thing I got was get there early.

So I apparently got there by 7am, meanwhile bank opens by 8:00am, I didn't mind waiting one hour, no biggie, but to my surprise, my brother and sister I met 500 people pilled up in the bank at 7am, what the heck, okay maybe not 500 but close to it, I was number 157 people, no shaking, worst is to find somewhere to sit and press phone till 100 reach, then I know I have hope.

Ladies and gentlemen, first of all, they didn't even start the list from where I wrote my name, they started with a totally different list, we yelled and all but sadly couldn't do anything about it, I wasn't interested in any convo with anybody, I had my face mask on and that was it. Changed my sitting location like three times because, comfort and information, in my mind 157 will sha reach!

So at 12:00pm they announced number 34, bruv, I got there 7am, I had neither water nor food in my belly, sober as fuck! So I finally picked a less conspicuous position and sat down, I couldn't even have appetite to eat anything with the mess the place was. I saw people who didn't have any numbers but knew people in the bank enter with free pass, gosh.....

People could only get angry and lash out, I'm naturally not the one to lash, the only thing on my mind was getting in, done and out of there. I naturally hate going to the bank for anything.

It was 1:00pm, there I sat, the transaction should have pulled through by 9latest, but it was 1, so I decided to show my client the situation of things by taking pictures of the crowd and stuff....seconds later, I was apprehended by the police and taken into the bank for further investigation.

Apparently they claimed the pictures I took could be used by my team of fraudsters or robbers and I must be taken to the police station for further investigation, bros I never chop, I never drink water that day, I had so little energy to explain situations to the inspector, I tried, he read through my chats and even had to call my client to delete the images immediately.

So in short, I'd gotten myself into the bank, leaving a lot of people behind, loooooooooooool😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂, I won becheez....I went to do what I had to do and left the fuxking bank. I purposely don't want to mention the name of the bank cuz of brand image and identity and bla bla, but if you've been following me in twitter, you'd def know.

That's a bunch of my day guys....and much of my submission for the Hive Naija contest.

By the time I got outside the bank it was as if I was a celebrity, everyone kept wondering how I made the entry, I kept the bad guy look, hungry as fuxk and bounced out of the place, another thing is I got back my ATM card too yayyy.....I loose that shit like Arsenal loosing goals lol.

The rest of my day was food and hive and there was a super interesting meeting between the Hive Naija community, big things coming brother, big things. Just play your part and all will be well.

Thank you for reading.....

To join the Naija Hive discord channel, please. Lick here and welcome to the house of fun and bants.....https://discord.gg/67Xk3qd

To join in the prompt, https://hive.blog/hive-105727/@hive-naija/theme-tell-a-story-in-pidgin-english



Hmmmm, your day was indeed an interesting one🤣 but then it worked out for your good na. I feel your pain bro, the poetry is indeed a pain the Nigerian youth are going through on a daily basis but we just hope it gets better.

Nothing go carry my two-legged legs go bank for this period because from story wey I dey hear from people na hell.

Ah thank you for liking the poem, everyother person seemed distracted by the drama.

Funny enough its not so in Wema bank, at least in ibadan....

Hmmmmm, I dread bank ooo, those people dem bad pass Nigeria police wali.

The youths are bleeding and we are praying for a better tomorrow but our pains will continue if the government still remains on incompetent and unpurpose youth through corruption.

Me too o, i hate anything that will carry me to bank, is it the queue? Is the mess of the place? Ah omo naija! One day we go free and live as we should. Hopefully we dont have grey hairs by then

Ami Loruko Jesu (Amen in the Mighty Name of Jesus)

Lol. This explain what we face on a daily basis in this country.
Never written a piece in pidgin before now but I think it's worth giving a try

Would love to see what you come up with....cheers and thank u for stopping by

This is Nigeria 😅. I can't help but laugh....it's really painful how the whole system has failed. There's nothing you can cling your hope on anymore. Like i say to my friends...right now, we are our own hope not the country and it's dubious leaders. I pray we all find whatever we are looking for

Thats why we have to seek/create more external ways of sustenance, blockxhain has unleashed a lot potentials to help us we are yet to tap 50% of its capability. I believe our generation will be fine as long as we put in the work.
Thanks for your comment bro

I hope our generation realises this ontime

We also have our parts to play.

hehehehehe, they always say some disappointments are blessings in disguise. Just imagine getting done with what took you to the bank simply because you were taking harmless pictures to proof to your client the situation at hand lol. I even thought you did some nasty things lol.
Everything been turn out for your good na. All things works together for good lol

That was the most interesting part of it...thats a very typical situation that describes blessing in disguise, but mhn gtb needs serious organization.

lol, so you finally mentioned the bank. I thought you said you wouldn't lol

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hehehhehehe, did you just forget? Good day @mistakili

I purposely don't want to mention the name of the bank cuz of brand image and identity and bla bla, but if you've been following me in twitter, you'd def know.

E no go pass GT or access.

That was actually my last bank experience which is almost two months ago. That was the day I was supposed to get my debit card and purchase my PC. Unlike you, I was unable to get anything done and it was the most frustrating day of my life.

Loool Gt mhn.....crazy pele 😂

See as horrible situation turned out in your favour. It shouldn't have ever happened if the fucks in the back just made everything electronic.

Bros forget social distancing, na when some people start dey fight na hin sweet pass. This naija na drama show