Hello! My people, my people.
Long time, no see. It good to be back after a short but long break. This week we are talking Social Media. For me, it has the good, the bad and ugly part. I will try to share my personal view in the following underneath paragraphs.
• Social media is the new home for entertainment. Discussions on many topics including marriage, career and education is easily accessible via social media. I have benefitted in no little measure from the social media archives on related subject matters.
• Entertainment has got a new hub in social media. This is where people now go to get some relaxation or entertainment like comedy, music, news and the likes available in social media.
• Marketing of product is one benefit that we have gotten through social media. This has also empowered many people who now make ends meet via the platform.
During the covid-19 lockdown in Nigeria in 2020, I discovered that social media is the next goose laying the golden egg. As such, I discovered some platforms like noise.cash, read.cash and uptrennd (of blessed memory). These platforms helped me through the period to make some cool cash through writing fictional stories.
First, social media is one thing that has caused a huge boundary in families. This is so because it takes attention. For instance, in reality, whenever I am on my phone, unusually don't like to be disturbed and my wards have seen this as a danger to come near me at that time.
There is also the issue of fraud via the social media. Sometimes, a message will just pop for you to fill a form containing vital Information that may link up your bank or other valuables. Hence, a lot of people, especially novices have lost their personal effects through social media.
To say the least, social media can be described easily as both a blessing and a curse.
Social Media can be a blessing and a curse, it's also paramount for us to use it in the right way, enjoy its benefits positively and be careful so we don't fall into the arms of scammers.
Talking about scammers, that's one thi Mn g that have scared people out of the social media space.
Many people, my people! @nkemakonam89 @abdul-qudus
How's the weekend going? Have you guys gotten the new naira notes already?