If you had two choices: Blue Pill or Red Pill?

in Speak Peace3 years ago


Hey people, I am @patakwashj and I'm excited to participate in this contest.

Sometimes life becomes funny that I envy those who have already been called to the great beyond especially who slept in Christ to have escaped this current hardship we are facing every day.
When you take the red pill, you may automatically become the oldest person on earth and it will become so boring because nobody understands what you say as new generation keeps coming.

In that regard, I would rather choose the blue pill so as to have a loved one back to life. To have the opportunity to be together once again and the chance to life given to my loved one which will be beneficial not just to me but the whole society.
And who could that be?
My mom

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The Blue Pills

I loss my mom when I was just a toddler and I can bet you I never felt the pain of losing someone then as a child because I was surrounded by my older siblings but as time goes on and I am now an adult, I sometimes lock up myself in my room to mourn her because I have a lot to ask and learn from her but she is no more. Not that my siblings can't handle some but I also wish to have a mother figure around me.

Now you get it. If given the opportunity, I will bring back my mom because the love, affection and training of a mother is irreplaceable completely.

Having a loved one back to life is just like giving opportunity to have more time together in creating memories and since it is known as a given opportunity, it will be judiciously managed. In the sense that every minute will count and all advises will be cherished


Everyone be going with he blue pill, I simply love this.
Now I understand more how it feels when we lost our love ones

Of course nobody wants to live forever

Hehe, you can never be too sure about that 😊.


Beautiful write up here. Though I don't 100% agree with this statement

When you take the red pill, you may automatically become the oldest person on earth and it will become so boring because nobody understands what you say as new generation keeps coming.

Though your understanding of everlasting life may be different from mine.

We are talking about everlasting life here on earth not in heaven because of the contest.I stand to be corrected though

Loosing a parent at a very early age always births longing even if it is not that deep gaping hole most others experience. A mother is always the piece of the puzzle that can never be replaced. Thank you for posting in the HiveNaija community

Thanks for your kind comment