It's very important you place your mental health first. I'm happy you've come this far.
This stories are what makes us stronger.
Also your name sounds like one of those names they give to princesses in a castle, mostly in a movie.
I've tried saying it multiple times in a British accent, pretty funny that. 🤣🤣
Yeah it is.
The first time I heard the name is from a movie game of thrones
It a pretty name
Yeah it is.
Wait, which character was Ophelia in game of thrones? 🤔
No it the name Khaleesi I was referring to
Hhaa, yes, the Dragon queen
Yeah, mental health is very important.
Also, I will love to hear you say my name in a British accent, it would be pretty cool.
Of course it would
I've being training my accent for a while now 🤣🤣
I am sending you a message on discord, I need to hear it.
You're kidding?? 🤣🤣🤣