Yeahh. It's great that we can now use Twitter here in Nigeria without VPN because it was really an issue.
One has to use trusted VPNs & most of the authentic ones require some sort of subscription. Glad it's all over now though.
I'm also really happy about this Hive Twitter movement as Twitter is a great place to create awareness
One way I think would be a great way for us to promote Hive on Twitter is by hosting SPACES
Twitter space is a nice feature Twitter has added to help people from various communities connect on a voice level.
I've been in a couple of them & I've learnt alot from people & other communities as a whole.
So I believe hosting a HIVE SPACE on Twitter will be a great way to create alot of Hive awareness, reach out to alot of persons & answers questions & clear doubts.
Happy Weekend to everyone!
Happy Hive Engagement weekend as well!
Best regards.