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RE: HIVE OPEN MIC Week 124 (Theme: Moonshine): Cover Song "Moonshiner" (Traditional / Bob Dylan)

in Hive Open Mic3 years ago

Your very welcome!
And, no, I had no idea when I picked the theme..
It's general knowledge, maybe, but really, probably not that important, and as I don't drink anymore.. I cannot hold my liquor, a small Shandy gets me drunk.. 😄
That's Alsterwasser for when you're going to Hamburg.

So, yes, I am indeed from Hamburg, and I also know Husum, a lovely little place by the coast! That's awesome that you're going to try to make me feel homesick! You'll be finding out if it worked.. ha

I'll get a list together, let me know where you're staying, so I know what's in the area, and I'll post it in a comment.

I am looking forward to your IsiZulu (not just Zulu?) song! I have a fable for languages and that sort of thing, so, yes, please!

Nice to meet you!


Ah brilliant - I think I spend the night of that free day in Alsterkrugchaussee in Hamburg and will be trying to get to that part of town? Does that ring a bell? I hope that's right, haha!

Yes, it's best not to get into Moonshine liquors! They can often taste pretty awful or even be harmful! You hear horror stories of people basically poisoning themselves!

You get Zulu people from the Zulu tribe/culture, but the language they speak is isiZulu. South Africa has 11 official languages and several more "unofficial" ones. Our National Anthem is divided into four parts - isiZulu, seSotho, Afrikaans and English so most people don't even understand all of it! Haha... It is a very beautifully constructed song though!

Oh, wow, that was SUPER interesting! Thanks!
I read this novel about Shaka Zulu when I was a teenager, after I saw the tv mini series! Totally loved it! Still got it, it's in German.. might not understand it anymore.. joke.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to your song!

Yes, I know Alsterkrugchaussee.. Will check that out for you, null problemo! 👍

Oh... well if you're familiar with the story of Shaka Zulu then I think you should enjoy my Hive Open Mic 125 introduction at least, even if I mess up the song!

Well, you won't!
Just had a peek at your posts.. haha
And, yes, I'm sure I will enjoy it! 😃

While I think of it, can you tag me in your post?
I don't want to miss it..

Sure! I assume you mean specifically Hive Open Mic 125, rather than all music related posts! (Want to see some surfing and my cats too? Hahaha!)

🤣😂 Just that one will do nicely for now.. haha.
I'll look at the others when I find the time.. seems to be hiding somewhere lately.. lol